perly_white has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a text file of the form: Filename1 Item1 - Answer Filename1 Item2 - Answer .... Filename1000 Item1 - Answer I am trying to create an individual HTML file with a table for each item for each file. Obviously I need a loop. However, I am unsure how to read and ignore the repetitive format of the file in which Filename1 occurs on every single line item related to Filename1, etc. I need to know the filename because whenever, I encounter a new filename, it is time to save the existing HTML file and begin a new table for the next file's items. I don't want a table with the filename in each row so I want to ignore it after the first occurrence. However, I need to keep reading because I need the Item value from each line. Any suggestions on how to handle this? Thanks so much!