User since: Sep 26, 2001 at 23:57 UTC (23 years ago)
Last here: Jan 21, 2005 at 21:03 UTC (19 years ago)
Experience: 278
Level:Scribe (6)
Writeups: 17
User's localtime: Apr 23, 2024 at 11:48 -08
Scratchpad: None.
For this user:Search nodes

I still don't feel very inspired, but I figured I should add something here. So here's my first (and so far only) attempt at obfuscation entitled Ode to a Tick:

@a=split//,'73101';push@a,45;$c=ord('Z');foreach$b(@a){print chr($c-=$b);};


Gosh, now that I'm a real monk, I guess I need to find a picture to upload...

CD of the week until I get around to changing it: Hybrid: Wide Angle

Movie: Casshern

Game: Knights of the Old Republic 2