in reply to Process multiple files in a directory

Others have already pointed out your mistakes and provided basic working versions, so here's one using a couple of newer features (for/when and say) to get rid of some of the cruft, which you may be interested in as you learn:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; for my $file (<*>){ # get all filenames in current director +y say "===== $file ====="; open my $fd, '<', $file or die $!; my $count = 0; # counter for /failed/ matches while(my $line = <$fd>){ for($line){ print when /Total/; # print matching lines $count++ when /failed/; # count matching lines } } say "Total Volume Failed to Resolve: $count"; close $fd; }

Aaron B.
Available for small or large Perl jobs and *nix system administration; see my home node.