scratch has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello monks, Here's the code I'm working with:
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT WORKERID,FAMID,CHILDID FROM p9315_2_ +partial_data WHERE WORKERID = '$pass'" ); $sth2->execute(); while ( $array_ref_partial = $sth2->fetchrow_arrayref ) {push @rows_pa +rtial, [ $array_ref_partial ]; #copy array contents to @row push (@partial_famids, @$array_ref_partial[1] );
When I look at the values that are pushed onto the @partial_famids array, I find the correct values (the 2nd) elements from the @$array_ref_partial array, but they have a '1' attached to them. For example, where I might expect to see values of 'family', 'smith', and 'stevenson' I find 'family1', 'smith1' and 'stevenson1'.

This is querying a MySQL database under Windows95.

Obviously, I'd like to know why I'm seeing that '1' attached to my values. I'm guessing somehow that array reference value is making its way into the data, but I have no idea how. The values look correct in the database.

I've spent the afternoon reading various bits of documentation but I'm coming up empty. Any help is much appreciated.

