bash has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Im stuck on understanding how EV calculcate timers. I have this code:
#!/usr/bin/perl use common::sense; use AnyEvent::HTTP; use Data::Dumper; sub do { my $iter = shift; # It will resolve every timeout problems, but it is not question # AnyEvent->now_update; my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; $cv->begin; http_get '', timeout => 2, sub { my ($body, $hdr) = @_; say "$iter $hdr->{Status}"; unless ($hdr->{Status} == 200) { warn Data::Dumper->Dump([$hdr],['hdr']); } $cv->end; } ; my $timer = AnyEvent->timer( after => 300, cb => sub { warn "Exit by timer"; $cv->send }, ); my ($n, $t) = (AnyEvent->now, AnyEvent->time); my $d = $t-$n; say "$iter diff = $d, time = $t, now = $n"; $cv->recv; } for (1..4) { &do($_); sleep(5); }
1 diff = 0.0233771800994873, time = 1427912097.54858, now = 1427912097 +.5252 1 200 2 diff = 5.0014123916626, time = 1427912103.05933, now = 1427912098.05 +791 2 596 $hdr = { 'Reason' => 'Connection timed out', 'URL' => '', 'Status' => 596 }; 3 diff = 5.00508308410645, time = 1427912108.06631, now = 1427912103.0 +6123 3 200 4 diff = 5.00244045257568, time = 1427912113.56622, now = 1427912108.5 +6378 4 596 $hdr = { 'Status' => 596, 'Reason' => 'Connection timed out', 'URL' => '' };
Iteration 2 - This is OK for me. Timer was set when internal time has 5 sec lag
Iteration 3 - But I do not understand this case. Everything is the same. Why there is no timeout ???
Iteration 4 - And once again. So every even call to do() generate timeout, and every odd call doesn't generate.
Could you please clarify me about this behaviour?