ovedpo15 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello monks!
I'm facing some performance issues with my algorithm so I ask for your help. I'm using the Graph module to implement a graph that represents the Linux filesystem. Each vertex is a directory/file/link path from root and each edge is the "relationship" between them. For example for /a/b/c (assuming c is a file) you will get 3 vertices a and /a/b (dirs) and /a/b/c (file) and two edges a->/a/b and /a/b->/a/b/c (Actually there is another vertex "/" which is a directory and points to "/a").
The way I initialize the graph is:
my $graph = Graph->new; $graph->set_vertex_attributes("/", { "type" => "dir" }); my $self = { graph => $graph };
Once I fill the graph, I want to have a sub that returns all the possible paths, including links. So for example, assume you have /a/b/c again and /p->/a/b then I want it to return /a,/a/b,/a/b/c,/p,/p/c.
So what I tried to do: after going over all the vertices, I want to find all the links and check if I can replace the target with the link. I also need to support recursive links so if I found changes, I'll do another iteration. The code:
sub extract_paths_from_graph { my ($self,$paths_href) = @_; foreach my $vertex ($self->{"graph"}->unique_vertices) { $paths_href->{$vertex}++; } while (1) { my $found_changes = 0; foreach my $vertex ($self->{"graph"}->unique_vertices) { my $type = $self->{"graph"}->get_vertex_attribute($vertex, + 'type'); if (index($type,"link") != -1) { # Ignore cycle in graph to prevent infinite loop my $target = ($self->{"graph"}->successors($vertex))[0 +]; if (path($target)->subsumes($vertex)) { next; } foreach my $subpath (keys(%{$paths_href})) { if ($subpath =~ /^$target\// || $subpath =~ /^$tar +get$/) { my $new_vertex = $subpath =~ s/^$target/$verte +x/gr; $found_changes = 1 unless (defined($paths_href +->{$new_vertex})); $paths_href->{$new_vertex}++; } } } } last unless ($found_changes); } }
My code was very slow and I managed to see that it comes from this method. I used NYTProf to create a profiling report and you can find it here. It looks like the problem is with the following line which takes to much time:
if ($subpath =~ /^$target\// || $subpath =~ /^$target$/) {
My assumptions are correct? Can you please suggest a better alternative way to perform the check? I though regex here will be the fastest.