*alexandre* has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi folk, Rigth now I'm facing new trouble within thumbnail creation here is the code
sub uploadImage { my $name = shift || ''; my $file = $query->param('image'); open(LOCAL, ">$imgdir/$name.jpg") or print 'error'; my $file_handle = $query->upload('image'); + binmode LOCAL; while(<$file_handle>) { print LOCAL; } close($file_handle); close(LOCAL); createImageMagickThumb("$name.jpg"); } sub createImageMagickThumb { my $filename = shift || ''; my $t = new Image::Thumbnail( size => 100, create => 1, module => 'Imager', input => "$imgdir/$filename", outputpath => "$imgdir/thumb.$filename", ); }
The code worked well until a few days ago. Any idea what could be wrong ? The image file is well uploaded but no thumb created. Thanks