in reply to Immediately writing the results of search-and-replace

This looked like an interesting problem to get the mental juices flowing on a Saturday morning. I see you've already received much help so, rather than trying to modify your code, I decided to write it from scratch. A few notes on some the things I did follow; ask if you want to know about anything else.


#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use constant { SEARCH => 0, REPLACE => 2, }; use File::Copy; use List::Util 'uniq'; use IO::Prompter [ -single, -style => 'bold blue', -echostyle => 'bold magenta', ]; use Term::ANSIColor; use Text::CSV; # For testing: BEGIN { copy('whitelist_sr_original.txt', 'whitelist_sr.txt'); } my $csv_file = 'whitelist_sr.csv'; my $source_file = 'whitelist_sr_src.txt'; my $text_file = 'whitelist_sr.txt'; copy($text_file, $source_file); my ($sr, $re) = _process_csv($csv_file); _process_text($source_file, $text_file, $sr, $re); unlink $source_file; sub _process_text { my ($source_file, $text_file, $sr, $re) = @_; open my $src_fh, '<', $source_file; open my $txt_fh, '>', $text_file; while (my $line = <$src_fh>) { while ($line =~ /$re/g) { my $frag = $1; $line =~ s/$frag/_replace($line, $frag, $sr, $re)/e; } print $txt_fh $line; } return; } sub _replace { my ($line, $frag, $sr, $re) = @_; my $replace; if (@{$sr->{$frag}} == 1) { $replace = $sr->{$frag}[0]; } else { $line =~ /$re/; $line = colored(substr($line, 0, $-[0]), 'dark yellow') . colored($1, 'bold yellow') . colored(substr($line, $+[0]), 'dark yellow'); print colored("Current line:", 'bold white'), ' ', $line; my $index = prompt "Replace '$frag' with:", -number, -menu => { map +($sr->{$frag}[$_] => $_), 0 .. $#{$sr->{$frag} +} }, '> '; $replace = $sr->{$frag}[$index]; } return $replace; } sub _process_csv { my ($csv_file) = @_; my $sr = {}; my $csv = Text::CSV::->new(); open my $fh, '<', $csv_file; while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) { push @{$sr->{$row->[SEARCH]}}, $row->[REPLACE]; } $sr->{$_} = [ uniq @{$sr->{$_}} ] for keys %$sr; my $alt = join '|', map "\Q$_", sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %$sr; my $re = qr{\b($alt)\b}; return ($sr, $re); }

I extended your CSV file to enable more testing. It's in the spoiler:

I also created my own text file for testing. Again, in the spoiler:

Here's a rough representation of part of a run, showing dynamic changes to a line as a number of matches are found and the selected substitutions are made:

Current line: whitelist whitelist whitelist whitelist
Replace 'whitelist' with:
   1. access list
   2. access-list
   3. allow

> 2
Current line: access-list whitelist whitelist whitelist
Replace 'whitelist' with:
   1. access list
   2. access-list
   3. allow

> 3
Current line: access-list allow whitelist whitelist
Replace 'whitelist' with:
   1. access list
   2. access-list
   3. allow

> 1
Current line: access-list allow access list whitelist
Replace 'whitelist' with:
   1. access list
   2. access-list
   3. allow

> 2

Here's the final result after that full run. Spoiler again:

— Ken