smittypaddler has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have this code in my file:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict 'vars'; use VRML; ... my $Dir="vrmlstuff"; my $Subdir="DrillPressTable"; my $LumberFile="$Dir/$Subdir/lumber.wrl"; &mystart($LumberFile,LF); ... sub mystart { my($file,$fh)=@_; open($fh,"> $file") || die("ERROR: Unable to open $file for output"); my @lines=split(/\n/,<<END); #VRML V2.0 utf8 NavigationInfo { headlight TRUE } DirectionalLight { # First child direction 0 0 -1 # Light illuminating the scene } END my $i=0; if($i==0) { foreach my $line (@lines) { print $fh "$line\n"; } } elsif($i==1) { &myprint(\@lines,$fh); } elsif($i==2) { &printout(\@lines,$fh); } } # end mystart ... sub myprint( my($lines,$fh)=@_; foreach my $line (@{$lines}) { print $fh "$line\n"; } } # End myprint; file contains this code: package VRML; BEGIN { @EXPORT = qw(... &printout ...); } use strict 'vars'; ... sub printout { my($lines,$fh)=@_; $fh=STDOUT unless($fh); foreach my $line (@{$lines}) { print $fh "$line\n"; } } # End printout;

If I set $i=0 or 1 in subroutine mystart it works perfectly, and the proper lines are written to lumber.wrl. But if I set $i=2 I get this error message: print() on unopened filehandle LF at .../ line 2886 Line 2886 in is in printout; the line is:

print $fh "$line\n";

How do I declare $fh in subroutine printout so it recognizes the intended filehandle?