in reply to Re^3: my within brackets
in thread my within brackets

Now, spot the difference! ;-)

$ diff -u \ <( perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -MO=Concise -e'my ($u, $v) = split / +,/, "U,V";' 2>&1 ) \ <( perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -MO=Concise -e'(my $u, my $v) = split / +,/, "U,V";' 2>&1 ) \ && echo same same

PS, I usually use -MO=Concise,-exec

1 <0> enter 2 <;> nextstate(main 1 -e:1) v:*,&,{,x*,x&,x$,$ 3 <0> pushmark s 4 <$> const[PV "U,V"] s 5 <$> const[IV 3] s 6 </> split(/","/)[t3] lK/IMPLIM 7 <0> padrange[$u:1,2; $v:1,2] RM/LVINTRO,range=2 8 <2> aassign[t4] vKS 9 <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC -e syntax OK