Like many people on perlmonks, I am not an English native speaker. I know that one quality about perlmonks is that the XP system encorages people to present their arguments with a correct language.

Perlmonks is a place to improve one mastery of Perl. Could it be as well a place where one could improve his English? In addition to the link <offer your reply>, could we add a link <correct my English> for node created by monks who ask to be corrected. The comments created by the accessed form would not be public (at least by default) but accessible by the corrected monk. The said monk would be able to correct his node using the said comments. The comments could be about spelling, grammar and style. Indeed, the style of a foreign perlmonk can be peculiar and clumsy. So helping him to find more straightforward sentences is useful too.

As a result, the English of the corrected monk would improve as well as the quality of his posts making Perlmonks a better place.

-- stefp