in reply to Re: Unable to execute the get method from app.psgi file for Dancer2 app.
in thread Unable to execute the get method from app.psgi file for Dancer2 app.

Hello Master, Sorry, Please check the latest code that is working fine in in order to generate the access token but my goal is to run the code snippet from app.psgi and land to main page and export the access_token from app.psgi and use it for different subroutine in through is that possible for you to help me Master?

My current app.psgi. and only last line is working webapp->to_app;

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use webapp; use Net::OAuth2::Client; use Plack::Builder; use Plack::Request; use Dancer2; use URI; use HTML::Entities; use Data::Dumper; builder { #get '/:site_id' => sub { # my $id = route_parameters->get('site_id'); # print "$id" . "\n"; #}; get '/:site_id' => sub { my $id = route_parameters->get('site_id'); redirect client(params->{$id})->authorize; }; get '/got/:site_id' => sub { my $p = params->{code}; #template 'query2' => { 'title' => 'webapp' }; defined params->{code} or print "Error: Missing access code"; my $id = route_parameters->get('site_id'); my $site_id = params->{$id}; #my $site_id = params->{site_id}; my $access_token = client($site_id)->get_access_token(params->{cod +e}); print "Error: " . $access_token->to_string if $access_token->{err +or}; my $accestk = $access_token->to_string; my $content = "<h2>Access token retrieved successfully!</h2>\n +" . '<p>'.encode_entities($access_token->to_string)."</p +>\n"; #template 'query2' => { 'title' => 'webapp' }; $content =~ s[\n][<br/>\n]g; print "My content: $content" . "\n"; }; sub client ($){ my $id = route_parameters->get('site_id'); my $site_id = $id; #my $site_config = config->{sites}{$site_id} || {}; my $redirect = uri_for("/got/$site_id"); Net::OAuth2::Profile::WebServer->new( client_id => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', client_secret => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +xx', authorize_url => ' +v1/authorize', access_token_url => ' +', response_type => 'code', grant_type => 'authorization_code', scope => 'openid', state => '1234', redirect_uri => $redirect ); } webapp->to_app; }

My urrent

package webapp; use Dancer2; use Op; use Op1; use URI; use Net::OAuth2::Client; use HTML::Entities; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = '0.1'; get '/:site_id' => sub { route_parameters->get('site_id'); template 'query2' => { 'title' => 'webapp' }; }; post '/'=> sub { my $r2 = Op::result4({OKTAUsersList => param('OKTA-Users-List'), Email => param('Email')}); template result2 => { title => 'webapp', result2 => $r2 } }; true;


<form id="f1" method="post" action="/"> <style> body { background-color: #ABBAEA; } div { height: 200px; background-color: #FBD603; } </style> <body> <div> <input type="radio" name="OKTAUsersList"> <label for="OKTAUsersList">OKTA-Users-List</label> <label for="Email">Recipient Email</label> <input id="email" name="Email"> <button>Submit</button> </div> </body> </form>