in reply to How to read serial port with WIN32:SerialPort?

I've only used Device::SerialPort under Linux, but, your stated data format looks funny. 1 start bit is ok. 1 stop bit is ok. 8 data bits dictates no parity, not odd parity. Serial data bytes are 8 bits, not 11.

Sample code:

# Perl Polling Test # Title: Perl to chipKIT Serial Poll Test # Author: James M. Lynes, Jr. # Version: 1.0 # Creation Date: June 10, 2012 # Modification Date: June 10, 2012 use strict; use warnings; # Initialize the serial port - creates the serial port object $Arduino use Device::SerialPort::Arduino; my $Arduino = Device::SerialPort::Arduino->new( port => '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate => 9600, databits => 8, parity => 'none', ); while(1) { $Arduino->communicate('P'); # Send a poll print ($Arduino->receive(), "\n"); # Print poll respons +e sleep(1); # Delay until next p +oll }
package Device::SerialPort::Arduino; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes; use Carp; use Device::SerialPort; use vars qw($VERSION); our $VERSION = '0.07'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; my %init = @_; # Sets many parameters for Device::SerialPort usage $self->{'port'} = $init{'port'}; $self->{'baudrate'} = $init{'baudrate'}; $self->{'databits'} = $init{'databits'}; $self->{'parity'} = $init{'parity'}; $self->{'stopbits'} = $init{'stopbits'}; $self->initialize(); return $self; } sub initialize { my $self = shift; $self->{'DSP'} = Device::SerialPort->new( $self->{'port'} ) or croak "Can't open " . $self->{'port'} . " - $!\n";


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