in reply to Re: Detect whether a writeable filehandle has closed?
in thread Detect whether a writeable filehandle has closed?

Checking my copy of Stevens APUE my reading (and vague recollections of actual behavior) confirms this; you're not going to get SIGPIPE until you actually write to the fd the child's closed. The SIGCHLD should be the first sign you get.

use IPC::Run qw( start pump ); use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy ); Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG); $SIG{$_} = eval qq{sub{INFO qq{Got $_}; 1}} for qw(CHLD PIPE); INFO q{Starting}; my $in=q{}; my $chld = start(["bash","-c","sleep 5"],q{<},\$in); ## This will get CLHD and sleep will exit early INFO q{Sleeping}; my $r=sleep(10); WARN( qq{$r, $!} ); ## This will trigger PIPE $in .= qq{FOO}; pump $chld; ## This won't be reached. INFO q{Done} __END__ 2021/01/13 15:07:42 Starting 2021/01/13 15:07:42 Sleeping 2021/01/13 15:07:47 Got CHLD 2021/01/13 15:07:47 5, Interrupted system call 2021/01/13 15:07:47 Got PIPE ack Broken pipe: write( 6, 'FOO' ) at ....

The cake is a lie.
The cake is a lie.
The cake is a lie.