in reply to using ref to hash of hash effectively

To get the total sums of cost, damage, armor, you can use the map function to accumulate the various items.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use List::Util 'sum'; my $weapons_ref = { dagger => { cost => 8, damage => 4, armor => 0 }, shortsword => { cost => 10, damage => 5, armor => 0 }, warhammer => { cost => 25, damage => 6, armor => 0 }, longsword => { cost => 40, damage => 7, armor => 0 }, greataxe => { cost => 74, damage => 8, armor => 0 }, }; my $cost = sum(map $_->{cost}, values %$weapons_ref); my $damage = sum(map $_->{damage}, values %$weapons_ref); print "cost: $cost damage: $damage\n";


cost: 157 damage: 30