in reply to Logging and tracing with DBIx::Simple

# SQL::Interp prints DEBUG to STDERR # whether TRACE_SQL is enabled # # my $trace_sql_enabled = $ENV{TRACE_SQL} || 0; # $trace_sql_enabled and print STDERR "DEBUG:interp[sql=$sql,bind=". j +oin(':', @bind) . "]\n"; # TRACE_SQL=1 perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use DBIx::LogAny; use DBIx::Simple; use Log::Any::Adapter ('File', './log_file.log'); use SQL::Interp; # connect to your DB using DBIx::LogAny my $dbh = DBIx::LogAny->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=file.dat'); # Using an existing database handle (DBIx::LogAny) for DBIx::Simple my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect($dbh); # make your query $db->iquery('SELECT 1')->into(my $one); say $one;
call your script with enabled SQL::Interp SQL Trace:
TRACE_SQL=1 perl DEBUG:interp[sql=SELECT 1,bind=] 1
DBIx::LogAny log output:
[Thu Dec 17 01:15:15 2020] connect(0): dbi:SQLite:dbname=file.dat, , $ +attr = undef; [Thu Dec 17 01:15:15 2020] DBI: 1.643 , DBIx::LogAny: 0.06, Driver: SQ +Lite(1.66) [Thu Dec 17 01:15:15 2020] prepare(0.0): 'SELECT 1' [Thu Dec 17 01:15:15 2020] execute(0.0) [Thu Dec 17 01:15:15 2020] finish(0.0) [Thu Dec 17 01:15:15 2020] finish(0.0)

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Re^2: Logging and tracing with DBIx::Simple
by kaldor (Beadle) on Dec 18, 2020 at 21:36 UTC

    That's precisely what I needed, thank you!