in reply to Calculate jackknife error from of each column of a multi-column file

Your program would be much simpler if you reversed the order of your subscripts. Each column of your data is a set of data. It is convenient to have each set stored as its own array.
use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(sum); my @raw; my $n; while (my $line = <DATA>) { my @cols = split / /, $line; foreach my $j (0..$#cols) { push @{$raw[$j]}, $cols[$j]; } } { local $, = ' '; print process_column($_), "\n" foreach @raw; } sub process_column { my @x = @{$_[0]}; my $n = @x; my $x_tot = sum( @x ); my @x_jack = map { ($x_tot - $_) / ($n - 1) } @x; my $g_jack_av; my $g_jack_err; #foreach my $dg (@x) { foreach my $dg (@x_jack) { #UPDATE $g_jack_av += $dg; $g_jack_err += $dg**2; } $g_jack_av /= $n; $g_jack_err /= $n; $g_jack_err = sqrt(($n-1)*abs($g_jack_err-$g_jack_av**2)); return ($g_jack_av, $g_jack_err); } __DATA__ 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4


1.25 0.193649167310372 2.25 0.193649167310365 3.25 0.193649167310338 4.25 0.193649167310365

OUTPUT (with correction)

1.25 0.064549722436785 2.25 0.0645497224367747 3.25 0.0645497224367334 4.25 0.064549722436816

UPDATE: Corrected error reported by AnomalousMonk in Re^2: Calculate jackknife error from of each column of a multi-column file
