in reply to Re: How can I sort my array numerically on part of the string? (updated)
in thread How can I sort my array numerically on part of the string?

>  sort { ($a=~/(\d+),/)[0] <=> ($b=~/(\d+),/)[0]

You need that (...)[0] for the match to return the captures in list context, ( <=> is enforcing scalar context and m// only returns captures in list context otherwise boolean )

I'm wondering if there is a prettier solution for that.

The Schwartzian transform doesn't have that limitation.

... map { [$_, /(\d+),/] } @list;

should do already.


clarification: any better solution than (...)[0] to get list context ?

Cheers Rolf
(addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
Wikisyntax for the Monastery