Wow! I am truly humbled and indebted to all of you who took the time to help me out on my earlier questions. This was my first post here so I was a bit hesitant as I only joined a few weeks ago and wanted to ensure I did my homework before posting. Apologies if I was not able to respond to everyone’s replies but I feel that I must digest everything you’ve provided.

(I'm posting this here because I was getting embarrassed by how long my other thread was getting.)

I’m still a novice programmer and even more of an apprentice when it comes to Perl. Reading through the documentation, my head is starting to spin. My question originated because I was trying to come up with my own subroutine to determine permutations of elements in a array and I was getting lost in how to structure the subroutine using recursion (rest assured, questions on that topic are forthcoming!) But it appears to me that I still have more of the fundamentals to learn.

If I’m honest, some of the shine of Perl is starting to fade but the quality and quantity of help I have received here are motivating me to continue!