in reply to Re: Pass hard coded param CGI post
in thread Pass hard coded param CGI post

this pattern of HTML form + cgi processor is inferior to using a modern JavaScript async call to send the data to a RESTful API endpoint (like /cgi-bin/rob/gfgf with method=DELETE, encoded as application/json

I do have to stop and take issue with this. A key principle on the Web is graceful degradation. Nearly all interactive browsers support forms, including such oddballs as Lynx and other curses-based browsers that do not require a graphical display. You can have a fancy JavaScript frontend, but you should still have basic forms — perhaps the CGI form processor translates the form submission to a RESTful request — for browsers that do not support JavaScript and users that choose not to run JavaScript.

That last note is a legitimate choice no matter how many hipster Web developers whine about it — nearly all client-side Web security exploits in the modern era have depended 100% on JavaScript to run. Disabling JavaScript is very much legitimate security advice, unless of course you want your files ransomwared.