in reply to Efficient way to verify scalar contents

my @RE = (qr/[[:lower:]]/, qr/[[:upper:]]/, qr/[0-9]/, qr/[^[:alnum:]] +/); sub check { local ($_) = @_; my $length = length; return if $length < 8; return if $length < 12 && (! /$RE[0]/ || ! /$RE[1]/ || ! /$RE[2]/ +|| ! /$RE[3]/); return if $length < 16 && (! /$RE[0]/ || ! /$RE[1]/ || ! /$RE[2]/) +; return if $length < 20 && (! /$RE[0]/ || ! /$RE[1]/); return 1 }

Tested against the tests from Re: Efficient way to verify scalar contents (updated x3) (haukex++).

Update: Or, if you want to abstract away the repeating $RE[...]

use List::Util qw{ any }; my @RE = (qr/[[:lower:]]/, qr/[[:upper:]]/, qr/[0-9]/, qr/[^[:alnum:]] +/); sub check { my ($password) = @_; my $length = length $password; return if $length < 8; return if $length < 12 && any { $password !~ $RE[$_] } 0 .. 3; return if $length < 16 && any { $password !~ $RE[$_] } 0 .. 2; return if $length < 20 && any { $password !~ $RE[$_] } 0 .. 1; return 1 }

map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]