in reply to Re: Optimizing with Caching vs. Parallelizing (MCE::Map)
in thread Optimizing with Caching vs. Parallelizing (MCE::Map)

Hi Laurent_R and fellow monks,

Nice speedup! I applied 3 optimizations in preparation for a follow-up post combining caching with parallelization. This was done because File::Map adds overhead (i.e. it will not be as fast as an array). So, I asked myself can anything be done to further improve the serial implementation. And if yes, is it helpful. I provide the run time for each stage at the end of this post. It turns out that improvements were possible and will be converting to use File::Map for the parallel demonstration.

Update: Further improvements, Step 4.

1. Replaced division by 2.

$n >> 1;

2. Removed one level of branching.

while ($n != 1) { $result += $cache[$n], last if defined $cache[$n]; my $new_n = $n % 2 ? 3 * $n + 1 : $n >> 1; $result++; $cache[$n] = $cache[$new_n] + 1 if defined $cache[$new_n] and $n < $max; $n = $new_n; }

3. Then reduced the number of loop iterations. Credit for reducing the # of loop iterations was from watching Notation and compressed dynamics, one minute into it (i.e. the T(x) notation).

while ($n != 1) { $result += $cache[$n], last if defined $cache[$n]; $n % 2 ? ( $result += 2, $new_n = (3 * $n + 1) >> 1 ) : ( $result += 1, $new_n = $n >> 1 ); $cache[$n] = $cache[$new_n] + ($n % 2 ? 2 : 1) if defined $cache[$new_n] and $n < $max; $n = $new_n; }

4. Finally, less caching.

while ($n != 1) { $result += $cache[$n], last if defined $cache[$n]; $n % 2 ? ( $result += 2, $new_n = (3 * $n + 1) >> 1 ) : ( $result += 1, $new_n = $n >> 1 ); $n = $new_n; }

The final code optionally takes an argument.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature qw/say/; my $max = shift || 1e6; $max = 1e6 if $max < 1e6; my @cache = (0, 1, 2); sub collatz_seq { my $input = shift; my $n = $input; my $result = 0; my $new_n; while ($n != 1) { $result += $cache[$n], last if defined $cache[$n]; $n % 2 ? ( $result += 2, $new_n = (3 * $n + 1) >> 1 ) : ( $result += 1, $new_n = $n >> 1 ); $n = $new_n; } $cache[$input] = $result if $input < $max; return $result; } my @long_seqs; for my $num (1..$max) { my $seq_length = collatz_seq $num; push @long_seqs, [ $num, $seq_length ] if $seq_length > 400; } @long_seqs = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1]} @long_seqs; say "$_->[0]: $_->[1]" for @long_seqs[0..19];


$ time perl 1e7 # Intel i7 laptop, Docker Container, Ubuntu + Perlbrew Perl 5.30.1 1e7 32.291s (a) original code, accepts argument 1e7 30.134s (b) a + replaced division with >> 1 1e7 28.503s (c) b + removed 1 level of branching 1e7 21.464s (d) c + reduced loop iterations 1e7 19.357s (e) d + less caching # AMD 3970x, Docker Container, Ubuntu + Perlbrew Perl 5.30.1 1e7 13.130s (a) original code, accepts argument 1e7 12.394s (b) a + replaced division with >> 1 1e7 12.261s (c) b + removed 1 level of branching 1e7 9.170s (d) c + reduced loop iterations 1e7 7.681s (e) d + less caching 8400511: 686 8865705: 668 6649279: 665 9973919: 663 6674175: 621 7332399: 616 7532665: 616 5649499: 613 8474249: 611 6355687: 608 8847225: 606 9533531: 606 6635419: 603 9953129: 601 7464846: 598 7464847: 598 3732423: 597 5598635: 595 8397953: 593 6298465: 590

Regards, Mario