"Performance Concurrency with the Perl Many-Core Engine"

A talk on MCE and MCE::Shared, introducing the main features and usage of this powerful framework to parallelize your Perl code and turbo-charge your programs by harnessing the power of all the cores on your machine.

Hosted by On line (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) at :

Date: Wednesday March 25, 2020
Time: 1800 EDT (GMT-4)

Fellow monks, I prepared this talk (with the assistance of marioroy, the author of the modules) for the Perl Conference 2020 where I was scheduled to present it. Today that conference was cancelled, as has been the Baltimore/DC Perlyglot Workshop where it was also on the schedule. I was scheduled to give the talk at the Charlotte, NC Perlmongers meeting tomorrow; that meeting has been moved on line. The organizer cromedome has allowed me to share the link, so if you have any interest in MCE please join us!


The way forward always starts with a minimal test.