It seems every few years, I come up with some kind of weird syntax extension for doing OO programming in Perl. Moops was the most recent but while it's cool, it's built on some shaky foundations.

I've been working on this thing MooX::Press for a little while now. It allows you to define a bunch of classes in one use statement. Like:

use MooX::Press ( prefix => 'MyApp', role => [ 'Livestock', 'Pet', 'Milkable' => { can => [ 'milk' => sub { print "giving milk\n"; }, ], }, ], class => [ 'Animal' => { has => [ 'name' => { type => 'Str' }, 'colour', 'age' => { type => 'Num' }, 'status' => { enum => ['alive', 'dead'], default => 'alive' }, ], subclass => [ 'Panda', 'Cat' => { with => ['Pet'] }, 'Dog' => { with => ['Pet'] }, 'Cow' => { with => ['Livestock', 'Milkable'] }, 'Pig' => { with => ['Livestock'] }, ], }, ], ); my $porky = MyApp->new_pig(name => 'Porky'); print $porky->status, "\n";

It's designed to be as declarative as possible; with the exception of a coderefs for defining your methods, it's pretty much just a big hash that could be serialized as JSON or YAML or whatever. Indeed, I've written portable::loader as a way of loading MooX::Press classes/roles from JSON or TOML and deciding their package namespace at runtime.

It's also very opinionated about how your classes and roles should be interacted with. Although MyApp::Pig->new works, you are encouraged to use MyApp->new_pig instead. And if a Panda object needs to create a Pig (because that happens in nature, right?) then it should call $self->FACTORY->new_pig to do the business. MyApp is the factory package, and objects get created via that; objects can find their factory package using $self->FACTORY. There are ways to override some of MooX::Press's opinions, but it steers you in this direction.

Anyway, recently I started looking at how to combine this with Keyword::Declare to create something Moops-like. This is the syntax I have currently got working:

use v5.14; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use MooX::Press::Declare prefix => 'MyApp', toolkit => 'Moo'; class Quux { version 3.1; extends Quuux; with Xyzzy; has foo : ( is => ro, type => 'Foo' ); has bar : ( type => 'Barrr' ); has nooo!; # exclamation mark means required constant yeah = 42; method say_stuff { my $self = shift; say $self->yeah + $self->nooo; } } my $obj = MyApp->new_quux( foo => MyApp->new_foo, bar => MyApp->new_bar_baz, nooo => 1, ); print Dumper($obj); $obj->say_stuff; # Note the order you define stuff mostly doesn't matter. # We used these classes above and define them now. class Quuux; role Xyzzy; class Foo; class Bar::Baz { type_name Barrr; }

It's still early days, but it's coming along pretty nicely too. I'm impressed with how easy Keyword::Declare makes syntax extensions.

Still to do: method signatures, method modifiers (before, around, after), type coercions, and custom factory methods. (These are all supported by MooX::Press, but not by the declarative syntax yet.)