in reply to Unique Values within AOH

Rather than reading the data line by line you could slurp all of it into a single scalar string then split into per-team chunks at each point in the string that is followed by a "T" at the start of a line. Then for each team get rid of the [PT]: characters globally and split again on newlines into the team line and player lines. This gets rid of the need to test each line for a "T" looking for a new team. Finally, as hippo suggests, de-dup before building your HoA;

use 5.026; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; open my $dataFH, q{<}, \ <<__EOD__ or die $!; T:REDS P:GRIFFEY P:GRIFFEY P:PEREZ P:GRIFFEY P:PEREZ P:ROSE P:BENCH T:PHILLIES P:ROSE P:ROSE T:MARINERS P:GRIFFEY P:PEREZ __EOD__ my $data = do { local $/; <$dataFH>; }; close $dataFH or die $!; my @teams = split m{(?=^T)}m, $data; my %teamAccts; foreach my $teamData ( @teams ) { $teamData =~ s{[PT]:}{}g; my( $teamLine, @playerLines ) = split m{\n}, $teamData; $teamAccts{ $teamLine } = [ do { my %seen; grep { ! $seen{ $_ } ++ } @playerLines; } ]; } print Data::Dumper ->new( [ \ %teamAccts ], [ qw{ *teamAccts } ] ) ->Sortkeys( 1 ) ->Dumpxs();

The output.

%teamAccts = ( 'MARINERS' => [ 'GRIFFEY', 'PEREZ' ], 'PHILLIES' => [ 'ROSE' ], 'REDS' => [ 'GRIFFEY', 'PEREZ', 'ROSE', 'BENCH' ] );

I hope this is of interest.

Update: Clarified wording slightly.

