in reply to How to count the length of a sequence of alphabets and number of occurence of a particular alphabet in the sequence?

You can count the number of occurrences of a particular character in a string with tr:

use 5.010; + my $str1 = 'MALSSTAATTSSKLKLSNPPSLSHTFTASASASVSNSTSFR'; my $a_count = $str1 =~ tr/A/A/; # 6

length will give you the length of the entire string.

Now to actually pull out the uppercase sequence from your sample input, are you reading lines from a file? Something like this would probably work:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.010; for (<>) { if (/^>/) { # Header } elsif (/^[A-Z]+$/) { # Protein my $a = tr/A/A/; say "A: $a, length: " . length; } }

Then simply run it with < protein.txt. Modify the say ... line to taste, or more likely, replace it with the rest of your logic. You can also choose to parse the header if needed, in the # Header section.

You could of course modify this to actually open the file in your script with open instead, if that is more desirable:

open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Couldn't open $filename: $!"; for (<$fh>) {
use strict; use warnings; omitted for brevity.