I originally posted this to Reddit, which directed me here.

First, the Github link:

The Discord chat service allows server ops to create "webhook"s for their server. These are special secret URLs that allow an external client to post notifications into chat by making certain HTTP requests.

(For those unfamiliar with Discord, think "Slack, if it chugged a 12 pack of Mountain Dew".)

I created this Perl module as a way to help interact with Discord webhooks. The various functions of Webhooks are wrapped in Perl functions that execute with HTTP::Tiny, and data structures with JSON::PP. I tried to focus on ease of use and documentation.

I would appreciate it if anyone could provide feedback or check the code and see if it looks sensible. I do plan to submit this to CPAN and it would be my first module there, so I want to make sure I get it right!

EDIT: also on PrePAN now:

EDIT2: Nobody had complaints except the names... no news is good news, I guess. It's on CPAN now.