in reply to Extracting data from nested tgz files use Archive::Tar

Proof of concept that only works with the exact nesting and file names you specified:

use Archive::Tar; use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; use IO::String; # Do whatever you want with each file and its data sub handle { my ($name,$data) = @_; print "file $name length ", length($data), $/; } my $filename = 'a.tgz'; my $outer = Archive::Tar->new($filename); for my $outerfile ($outer->get_files) { my $outerdata = $outer->get_content($outerfile->name); my $inner = Archive::Tar->new( IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new( IO::String->new($outerdata))); for my $file ($inner->get_files) { next unless $file->name =~ /^.._log$/; handle $file->name, $inner->get_content($file->name); }; }

It works, but will likely be dog slow. Since your archive is only 40M maybe it doesn't matter.