in reply to The future of Perl?

I feel like it is necessary for me to respond to a couple different topics of this thread because I don't feel like enough input has been given from perl new-comer's. Normally, I am too busy programming perl to give lengthy responses to perlmonk's threads, but today is an exception.

I am coming up on only 2 years of being a professional perl programmer. I look up to many of you like a nerdy fan boy. This year was my first YAPC, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Although a few people on my team don't like perl and just do it for the paycheck, I think perl certainly has some kind of future. Do I think it is good to know other languages? Of course. But perl is certainly my first go-to in getting things done. Teaching myself Bio Informatics, I go to perl. Doing Euler problems, perl.

What do I think will contribute to securing a stronger future in perl?

First, you guys. Especially all you veterans who responded to this thread- and the ones who didn't or are too busy. It would take me all day to list your names, you know who you are. Do not underestimate the impact your presence and advice has on new-comer's like me. You're basically my heros. I nearly crapped my pants when I met Karen Etheridge this year at YAPC.

As choroba said, contribute to CPAN. What have I done? Nothing huge, but here is one example: ..and other ideas currently in development as I write this..

Other than that, set individual goals, learn more, and continue to contribute to CPAN. I'm too new to have much of an opinion about Perl 6, but it looks interesting.