in reply to The future of Perl?

A while back I ran into a video (maybe a TED talk?) regarding The Machine. I have to wonder what impact a fundamental shift in hardware would have on any language(s). It has been a while and I have not gone back and re-examined this, but assuming a fundamental advance in hardware, is there much of a future for anything we know?

It depends on "how much future" one includes in their definition of future of course. My point is that it may not be the nature of a given language itself that determines it's demise, but instead it could be that computer languages as a whole might simply become irrelevant because the listener might evolve beyond the core concept of what we call a language.

So, enough SciFi for the moment I guess.... having a Asimov/Hienlein moment... ...It happens....

...the majority is always wrong, and always the last to know about it...

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...

A solution is nothing more than a clearly stated problem...otherwise, the problem is not a problem, it is simply an inconvenient fact