in reply to LDAP authentication from domain username -working

THis statement appears completely wrong:
$search = $ldap->search(base=>"samaccountname=>$user,cn=>U +sers,dc=>us,dc=>megatrends,dc= +com",filter=>"(objectClass=memberOf)");
Here is some code I wrote years ago - you can use this as a basis for LDAP search:
use strict; use Net::LDAP; my $dc = 'my.domain.controller.fqdn'; my $user = 'DomainName\UserName'; # or ''; my $passwd = shift; #'Adminpasswd'; my $base = "dc=TopDomain,dc=com"; # my $scope = "subtree"; my $filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=user))"; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($dc) or die $@; my $rc = $ldap->bind( $user, password => $passwd); die $rc->error if $rc->code; my $search = $ldap->search ( base => $base, scope => $scope, filter => $filter, sizelimit=> 9999 # Does not seem to help... ); die $search->error if $search->code; foreach my $entry ($search->entries) { $entry->dump; } $ldap->unbind;

        What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?
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