in reply to Re^3: Perl tk gui hangs when large data thrown to it
in thread Perl tk gui hangs when large data thrown to it

I am just including a very very simplified code which is just one perl file only. Please change the repeat frequency to test it. The gui would show better performance if the repeat frequency is increased to 1sec , currently it is 1ms only.
My requirement is :

1. what is the reason for the gui to get hung when we are trying to change some 100 rows on it every 1 ms . Can not perl tk handle this ? is this a limitation ?

2. is their any other mechanism to make it work, provided i will repeat it every 1 ms and would try to change 100 rows of it randomly.

use Tk; use Tk::HList; use Time::HiRes qw/usleep/; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); my $hlistframe = $mw->Frame()->pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 ); my $font = "{helvetica} -12 bold"; my $hl = $hlistframe->Scrolled( 'HList', -scrollbars => 'ose', -columns => 7, -header => 1, #-height => 10, -width => 50, -command => sub { print "test\n"; }, )->pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 ); my $num = $hl->Label( -text => "Number", -anchor => 'w', -font => $fon +t ); $hl->headerCreate( 0, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $num ); my $name = $hl->Label( -text => "ID", -anchor => 'w', -font => $font ) +; $hl->headerCreate( 1, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $name ); my $DOB = $hl->Label( -text => "Job", -anchor => 'w', -font => $font ) +; $hl->headerCreate( 2, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $DOB ); my $Address = $hl->Label( -text => "status", -anchor => 'w', -font => +$font ); $hl->headerCreate( 3, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $Address ); my $style1 = $hl->ItemStyle( 'text', -selectforeground => 'black', -anchor => 'nw', -background => 'green', -font => $font ); my $style2 = $hl->ItemStyle( 'text', -selectforeground => 'black', -anchor => 'nw', -background => 'red', -font => $font ); my $style3 = $hl->ItemStyle( 'text', -selectforeground => 'black', -anchor => 'nw', -background => 'blue', -font => $font ); sub populate { my $path = 0; foreach my $entry ( 1 .. 100 ) { insertData( $path, $entry ); $path++; } } &populate(); sub insertData { my ( $path, $entry ) = @_; $hl->add($path); # print "path $path \n"; $hl->itemCreate( $path, 0, -text => "$path" ); # , -style => $ +style1); $hl->itemCreate( $path, 1, -text => "someid" ); # , -style => $ +style1); $hl->itemCreate( $path, 2, -text => "test" ); #, -style => $s +tyle1); $hl->itemCreate( $path, 3, -text => "running", -style => $style1 ) +; } $mw->repeat( 1, \&changeItem ); my $flag; sub changeItem { my %flag; foreach ( 1 .. 100 ) { my $randRow = int( rand(20) ); print "randRow $randRow \n"; if ( $flag{$randRow} ) { $hl->itemConfigure( $randRow, 3, -text => "pending", -style => $style2 ); $hl->itemConfigure( $randRow, 3, -text => "waiting", -style => $style2 ); $flag{$randRow} = 0; print "if flag ", $flag{$randRow}, "\n"; } else { print "else flag 0\n"; $hl->itemConfigure( $randRow, 3, -text => "finished", -style => $style3 ); $hl->itemConfigure( $randRow, 3, -text => "aborted", -style => $style3 ); $flag{$randRow} = 1; print "else flag ", $flag{$randRow}, " \n"; } #usleep(100); #sleep 2 ; } } MainLoop;