in reply to Scope of workbook in write excel

You don't say in what way your program is not working for you. On my system (Windows running perl 5.15) there were a few problems.

I added use strict;, which I do habitually. This revealed one fault and I made two other changes to avoid warnings. Then the program ran but produced an empty file, so I added an explicit close() and it created worksheets as expected. I ended up with the following:

use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; #use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; #use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser; my $workbook; my @s; my $Month="Sept"; sub create_excel { $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new('FAISTATS_'."$Month".'.xl +s'); for ( my $i=1;$i<=8;$i++) { $s[$i] = $workbook->add_worksheet( "cpzea0".$i."a0001" ) ; } $s[9] = $workbook->add_worksheet( "WEEKLY" ) ; $s[10] = $workbook->add_worksheet( "MONTHLY" ) ; } create_excel(); $workbook->close();

It may help you to review the caveats about close() in Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.