in reply to Reading and writing data to text file and to table

Why not represent your data in the way you wish to present it? create a 2-dimensional array using the line number of the file as your index when reading in the data.
subroutine{ my @data; my $table; open( F, "$File" ) || die("Could not open $File"); while (<F>) { chomp(); push( @{@data[$.]},( split /,/, $line)); } close(F); $table .= "<table border=1>"; for my $i ( 0 .. $#data ) { $table .= "<tr>"; for ( @{@data[$i]}){ $table .= "<td>$_</td>\r\n"; } $table .= "</tr>"; } $table .= "</table>"; }
print "Good ",qw(night morning afternoon evening)[(localtime)[2]/6]," fellow monks."