in reply to LWP 500 Internal response read timeout

interesting .. that 500 error message 'read timeoutt' is a rather odd spelling and I expect it's not coming from LWP but from the target server. Sorry I cannot think of a reason off the top of my head, but here's how I would approach the problem:

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Re^2: LWP 500 Internal response read timeout
by vhn2000 (Initiate) on Jun 12, 2013 at 16:44 UTC
    I modified LWP code to print out "timeoutt" just ensure it's coming from LWP. And yes the "transfer-encoding" is "chunked". Again, the timeout message is not from target server.

      There were some issues with certain version of Net::HTTP and chunked responses.

        OK, so do you have any workaround or link or something to resolve this?
        I updated LWP::UserAgent, Net::HTTP to the latest:
        perl -MNet::HTTP -e 'print "$Net::HTTP::VERSION\n"' 6.06

        The timeout issue is still there.