in reply to RE question; how to insert a digit between const[a-z]*3 && inc[0-9]*3?

G'day taint,

Here's another way to do it:

$ perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -E ' my @files = qw{abc1.html abc12.html abc123.html abc1234.html}; say for map { s/^(abc)(\d{1,3})(\.html)$/$1 . "0" x (4 - length $2) . $2 . $ +3/e; $_ } @files; ' abc0001.html abc0012.html abc0123.html abc1234.html

Update: "... the files begin with the same 3 alpha characters ..." so \w{3} is far too generic: s/\w{3}/abc/

-- Ken