in reply to Devel::Dprof is your friend

And there's also Devel::SmallProf, which will profile at the line (as opposed to the function) level. This is good for banging away at the pig you found with Devel::DProf

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Re: Re: Devel::Dprof is your friend
by dragonchild (Archbishop) on Aug 03, 2001 at 01:59 UTC
    I'm running into an issue installing Devel::SmallProf. I've got Time::HiRes in my own perllib directory. When I first tried make-ing Devel::SmallProf, it complained it couldn't find Time::HiRes. I manually edited Makefile.PL and added use lib '/my/perl/lib'; and then it complained that it couldn't find a loadable object within Time::HiRes. But, when I did the "make test" for Time::HiRes, it was just fine.

    Any ideas?

    Oh - Devel::DProf is waaaaaay cool! Thanx, Ovid!

    /me wants to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier!

      Hmm... you might try specifying PREFIX= and/or LIB= flags on your perl Makefile.PL line. Note that these must be absolute paths (I've been bitten by this in the past).