Lady_Aleena has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Before I get too set in my (bad?) ways with writing objects, would some of you eyeball this and let me know where I veered (very?) off course. Basically a sanity check please?

package Twitter::Objects; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use lib '..'; use Base::Data qw(data_file get_hash); use Base::Convert qw(hashtagify); use Twitter qw(target_new_subscribers); use Twitter::ListSort qw(list_sortflags list_compare); # The 'data_file' subroutine takes 2 parameters (directory,filename). # The directory is the location within the main data directory. my %headings = ( account_totals => [qw(screen_name followers friends updates)], people => [qw(id screen_name name time_zone location last_status f +riends followers greet)], lists => [qw(id slug name user members_count members_change subsc +ribers_count subscribers_change status)], mentions => [qw(id screen_name date text reply_screen_name reply_id) +], retweets => [qw(id tweet retweeters)] ); # 'accounts' is to return an array(ref) of all of my Twitter accounts. sub accounts { my ($class) = @_; my @accounts = qw( Lady_Aleena LadyAleena_ABC LadyAleena_CBS LadyAleena_FOX LadyAleena_NBC LadyAleena_SyFy LadyAleena_TNT LadyAleena_USA LadyAleena_TV LadyAleena_eros LadyAleena_home LadyAleena_test ); return bless \@accounts; } # 'account_totals' is to return a hash(ref) totals such as # followers, friends, & updates each account has. sub account_totals { my ($class, $account) = @_; my %accounts = get_hash( file => data_file('Twitter','account_totals.txt'), headings => $headings{account_totals}, ); return bless $accounts{$account}; } # 'acct_data' returns other collected data for my Twitter # accounts. See the headings for people, mentions, and # retweets for the data to be returned as a hash(ref). sub acct_data { my ($class, $account, $type) = @_; die "Invalid type, $type does not exist." if !$headings{$type}; my %data = get_hash( file => data_file("Twitter/users/$account","$type.txt"), headings => $headings{$type}, ); return bless \%data; } my $base_link = "!"; my %add_lists_data = ( 'Advtr of Brisco County Jr' => { long_name => 'The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.', abbr => 'Bricso County' }, 'Buck Rogers 25th Century' => { long_name => 'Buck Rogers in the 25th Century', abbr => 'Buck Rogers' }, 'Crossing Jordan/Las Vegas' => { long_name => 'Crossing Jordan & Las Vegas', abbr => 'CJLV' }, 'ER Third Watch Med Invgtn' => { long_name => 'ER, Third Watch, & Medical Investigation', abbr => 'ETM' }, 'Eureka Warehouse13 Alphas' => { long_name => 'Eureka, Warehouse 13, & Alphas', abbr => 'EWA' } ); # 'lists_data' returns a hash(ref) of all the basic data # collected about my lists (owned, subscribed to, and a member of # on Twitter. 'lists_data' also collates other data about the lists # I own such as how many more subscribers I want for each list. Also # it puts the list members and subscribers into arrays. Some lists # have a few special options, so the %add_lists_data is included into # the hash(ref) returned for those lists. sub lists_data { my ($class, $account) = @_; my %lists = get_hash( file => data_file("Twitter/users/$account","lists.txt"), headings => $headings{lists}, ); for my $list (values %lists) { list_sortflags($list); my $user = $list->{user}; my $slug = $list->{slug}; my $name = $list->{name}; my $mems = $list->{members_count}; my $subs = $list->{subscribers_count}; my $abbr = $add_lists_data{$name}{abbr} ? $add_lists_data{$name}{a +bbr} : ''; $list->{abbr} = $abbr; $list->{hashtag} = length($abbr) ? hashtagify($abbr) : hashtagif +y($name); $list->{link} = "$base_link/$user/$slug"; $list->{long_name} = $add_lists_data{$name}{long_name} ? $add_list +s_data{$name}{long_name} : $name; $list->{percent} = int(($subs / $mems) * 100) if $mems > 0; $list->{target} = target_new_subscribers($list->{members_count} +,$list->{subscribers_count}); my @statuses = split(/,/,$list->{status}); $list->{status} = [@statuses]; next if !grep(/owner/,@{$list->{status}}); for my $list_people (qw(members subscribers)) { my $file = data_file("Twitter/users/$account/lists/$slug","$list +_people.txt"); next unless -s $file; open(my $lp_fh,'<',$file); my @lp = <$lp_fh>; chomp(@lp); $list->{$list_people} = [@lp]; } } return bless \%lists; } # 'all_lists' takes all of the lists from all of my accounts # and puts them into one big hash(ref). sub all_lists { my @accounts = Twitter::twitter_accounts; my %lists; for my $account (@accounts) { my $sublists = Twitter::Objects->lists_data($account); for (keys %{$sublists}) { $lists{$_} = $$sublists{$_} unless $lists{$_}; } } return bless \%lists; } # 'lists_people' is a hash(ref) which is all of the members # and subscribers of all my lists so I know who is a member or # subscriber to more than one list. sub lists_people { my $lists = Twitter::Objects->all_lists; my %people; for my $list (sort { list_compare($a,$b) } values %{$lists}) { my $name = $list->{name}; next if !grep(/owner/,@{$list->{status}}); for my $type (qw(subscribers members)) { if ($list->{$type}) { my @list_people = @{$list->{$type}}; for my $person (@list_people) { push @{$people{$type}{$person}}, $name; } } } } return bless \%people; } 1;

Update: per mbethke's suggestion, I added comments to let you know what each object is supposed to do. I hope they are clear enough.

Have a cookie and a very nice day!
Lady Aleena