Dr Manhattan has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I have a frequency list (hash) with words and frequencies, for example:

the 5

a 4

good 3

If a word that starts with a capital letter exists somewhere else in the hash as a lowercase word, I want to delete the uppercase word and add its frequency to the lowercase words' frequency. I tried this:

foreach my $keys (keys %hash) { foreach my $z (keys %hash) { if ($hash{lc $keys} = $hash{$z}) { $hash{$z} = $hash{$z} + $hash{$keys}; delete $hash{$keys}; } } } foreach my $value(sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) #frequenc +y list { print "$value\t\t$hash{$value}\n"; }

The frequency list works fine, but when I add the first part it doesn't give any output. Please help