#!/usr/bin/perl use Mojolicious::Lite; use Foo::Blargh; # yadda yadda, other usefull stuff get "/login" => sub { my $c = shift; # $c is the controller object $c->render('login'); # renders templates/login.html.ep }; # this sub checks username and password post "/login" => sub { validate_user(shift); # the sub gets the controller }; get "/logout" => sub { my $c = shift; $c->cookie(MySession => 'none'); # unset cookie $c->redirect_to("/login"); }; # with the following, all following routes require # a logged-in user and a proper cookie under sub { validate_cookie(shift); }; # more routes get "/foo" => sub { my $c = shift; ... $c->render($whatever); }; get "/bar" => sub { my $c = shift; ... $c->render($something_else); }; # all set up, start the application; app->start; ### ## # subs sub validate_cookie { my $c = shift; my $cookie = $c->cookie('MySession'); if (! $cookie) { $c->redirect_to('/login'); return; # important! } else { # more checks to see if cookie is valid ... } 1; } sub validate_user { my $c = shift; my $u = $c->param('user'); my $p = $c->param('pass'); if ( login($u,$p) ) { # set cookie. Multiple cookies can be set by calling # $c->cookie() with other key/value pairs more than 1 time $c->cookie(MySession => generate_cookie() ); $c->redirect_to('/foo'); # whatever is appropriate return; } $c->stash(error => 'wrong user or password'); # gets rendered in /login $c->render('login'); return; } sub login { # validate user and password: database, ldap, ... # returns 1 on success, nothing on failure } sub generate_cookie { my $n = shift || 42; my @chars = ('A'..'Z','a'..'z',0..9,'+','/' ); # we use the BASE64 chars join '', map{ $chars[rand @chars] }1..$n; # session ID }