#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Tk; ######################################################## # Constants my $width = 30; # number of boxes wide my $height = 30; # number of boxes high my $scale = 15; # size of boxes in pixels my $freq = 50; # update every 50 milliseconds ######################################################## # Variables my @board; my $dir; my $x; my $y; my $stop; ######################################################## # Set up board my $m = MainWindow->new; $m->repeat($freq => \&run); my $c = $m->Canvas(-width => $width*$scale, -height => $height*$scale); &initBoard; $m->MainLoop; # <-- never exits ######################################################## # board utilities sub loc { my ($x, $y) = @_; return ($x*$scale+1, $y*$scale+1, $x*$scale+$scale-1, $y*$scale+$scale-1); } sub on { my ($x, $y) = @_; box($x,$y,"black"); $board[$x][$y] = 1; } sub off { my ($x, $y) = @_; box($x,$y,"white"); $board[$x][$y] = 0; } sub box { my ($x, $y, $color) = @_; $c->create('rectangle', loc($x,$y), -fill => $color); } sub initBoard { print "Initializing board..."; for my $i (0 .. $width) { for my $j (0 .. $height) { off($i, $j); print "."; } print "x"; } $c->pack; print "...done\n"; } ######################################################## # main callback code my $initFlag; sub initVars { $dir = 0; $stop = 0; $initFlag++; $x = int($width/2); $y = int($height/2); $board[$x][$y]=1; on($x,$y); print "Initialized\n"; } sub move { for ("$dir") { /0/ && do { if(($y-1)>=0) { $y--; &turn; } else { $stop = 1; } last; }; /1/ && do { if(($x+1)<=$width) { $x++; &turn; } else { $stop = 1; } last; }; /2/ && do { if(($y+1)<=$height) { $y++; &turn; } else { $stop = 1; } last; }; /3/ && do { if(($x-1)>=0) { $x--; &turn; } else { $stop = 1; }; last; } } } sub turn { if($board[$x][$y]==0) { $dir+=3; $dir%=4; on($x,$y); } else { $dir+=1; $dir%=4; off($x,$y); } } sub run { return if $stop; &initVars unless $initFlag; &move; }