use strict; use warnings; use MCE::Child; use MCE::Channel; my $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Simple' ); # spin up worker early before creating big hash mce_child { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; while ( my ($cmd, @args) = $chnl->recv ) { local ($?, $!); system($cmd, @args); $chnl->send2($?, $!); } }; sub syscmd { my $cmd = shift; return unless $cmd; $chnl->send($cmd, @_); my ($status, $errmsg) = $chnl->recv2; if ($status == -1) { print "SYSTEM: failed to execute ($cmd): $errmsg\n"; } elsif ($status & 127) { printf "SYSTEM: $cmd died with signal %s, %s coredump\n", ($status & 127), ($status & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; } else { printf "SYSTEM: $cmd exited with status %d\n", $status >> 8; } } # create big hash my %big_hash; # pass command and optionally args syscmd('ls'); # attempt to run a command not found syscmd('something'); # sleep for 2 seconds syscmd('sleep', '2'); # notify no more work, then reap worker $chnl->end; MCE::Child->waitall;