package Data::Roundtrip; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Encode qw/encode_utf8 decode_utf8/; use JSON qw/decode_json encode_json/; use Unicode::Escape; use YAML; use Sub::Override; use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/; use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw( _read_from_file _write_to_file _read_from_filehandle _write_to_filehandle perl2json json2perl perl2yaml yaml2perl perl2dump dump2perl ); sub _read_from_file { my $infile = $_[0]; my $FH; if( ! open $FH, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $infile ){ warn "failed to open file '$infile' for reading, $!"; return undef; } my $contents = _read_from_filehandle($FH); close $FH; return $contents } sub _write_to_file { my $outfile = $_[0]; my $contents = $_[1]; my $FH; if( ! open $FH, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $outfile ){ warn "failed to open file '$outfile' for reading, $!"; return undef } if( ! _write_to_filehandle($FH, $contents) ){ warn "error, call to ".'_write_to_filehandle()'." has failed"; close $FH; return undef } close $FH; return $contents } sub _read_from_filehandle { my $FH = $_[0]; # you should open INFH as '<:encoding(UTF-8)' # or if it is STDIN, do binmode STDIN , ':encoding(UTF-8)'; return do { local $/; <$FH> } } sub _write_to_filehandle { my $FH = $_[0]; my $contents = $_[1]; # you should open $OUTFH as >:encoding(UTF-8)' # or if it is STDOUT, do binmode STDOUT , ':encoding(UTF-8)'; print $FH $contents; return 1; } sub perl2json { my $pv = $_[0]; my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; my $pretty_printing = exists($params->{'pretty'}) && defined($params->{'pretty'}) ? $params->{'pretty'} : 0 ; my $escape_unicode = exists($params->{'escape-unicode'}) && defined($params->{'escape-unicode'}) ? $params->{'escape-unicode'} : 0 ; my $json_string; if( $escape_unicode ){ if( $pretty_printing ){ $json_string = JSON->new->utf8(1)->pretty->encode($pv); } else { $json_string = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode($pv) } $json_string = Unicode::Escape::escape($json_string, 'utf8'); } else { if( $pretty_printing ){ $json_string = JSON->new->utf8(0)->pretty->encode($pv); } else { $json_string = JSON->new->utf8(0)->encode($pv) } } if( ! $json_string ){ warn "perl2json() : error, no json produced from perl variable"; return undef } return $json_string } sub perl2yaml { my $pv = $_[0]; my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; my $pretty_printing = exists($params->{'pretty'}) && defined($params->{'pretty'}) ? $params->{'pretty'} : 0 ; warn "perl2yaml() : pretty-printing is not supported" and $pretty_printing=0 if $pretty_printing; my $escape_unicode = exists($params->{'escape-unicode'}) && defined($params->{'escape-unicode'}) ? $params->{'escape-unicode'} : 0 ; my ($yaml_string, $escaped); if( $escape_unicode ){ if( $pretty_printing ){ #$yaml_string = Data::Format::Pretty::YAML::format_pretty($pv); } else { $yaml_string = YAML::Dump($pv) } $yaml_string = Unicode::Escape::escape($yaml_string, 'utf8'); } else { if( $pretty_printing ){ #$yaml_string = Data::Format::Pretty::YAML::format_pretty($pv); } else { $yaml_string = YAML::Dump($pv) } } if( ! $yaml_string ){ warn "perl2yaml() : error, no yaml produced from perl variable"; return undef } # return Encode::decode_utf8($yaml_string) return $yaml_string } sub yaml2perl { my $yaml_string = $_[0]; #my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; my $pv = YAML::Load($yaml_string); if( ! $pv ){ warn "yaml2perl() : error, call to YAML::Load() has failed"; return undef } return $pv } sub json2perl { my $json_string = $_[0]; #my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; my $pv = JSON::decode_json(Encode::encode_utf8($json_string)); if( ! defined $pv ){ warn "json2perl() : error, call to json2perl() has failed"; return undef } return $pv; } sub yaml2json { my $yaml_string = $_[0]; my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; my $pv = yaml2perl($yaml_string, $params); if( ! $pv ){ warn "yaml2json() : error, call to yaml2perl() has failed"; return undef } my $json = perl2json($pv, $params); if( ! $json ){ warn "yaml2json() : error, call to perl2json() has failed"; return undef } return $json } sub json2yaml { my $json_string = $_[0]; my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; my $pv = json2perl($json_string, $params); if( ! defined $pv ){ warn "json2yaml() : error, call to json2perl() has failed"; return undef } my $yaml_string = perl2yaml($pv, $params); if( ! defined $yaml_string ){ warn "json2yaml() : error, call to perl2yaml() has failed"; return undef } return $yaml_string } # this bypasses Data::Dumper's obsession with escaping # non-ascii characters by redefining qquote() sub # The redefinition code is by [Corion] @ Perlmonks and cpan # see # sub perl2dump { my $pv = $_[0]; my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = exists($params->{'terse'}) && defined($params->{'terse'}) ? $params->{'terse'} : 0 ; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = exists($params->{'indent'}) && defined($params->{'indent'}) ? $params->{'indent'} : 0 ; my $ret; if( exists($params->{'dont-bloody-escape-unicode'}) && defined($params->{'dont-bloody-escape-unicode'}) && ($params->{'dont-bloody-escape-unicode'}==1) ){ local $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Useqq='utf8'; my $override = Sub::Override->new( 'Data::Dumper::qquote' => \& _qquote_redefinition_by_Corion ); $ret = Dumper($pv); # restore the overriden sub $override->restore; } else { $ret = Dumper($pv) } return $ret } sub dump2perl { my $dump_string = $_[0]; #my $params = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; $dump_string =~ s/^\$VAR1\s*=\s*//g; my $pv = eval($dump_string); if( $@ || ! defined $pv ){ warn "error, failed to eval() input string alledgedly a perl variable: $@"; return undef } return $pv } # Below code is by [Corion] @ Perlmonks and cpan # see # it's for redefining Data::Dumper::qquote # (it must be accompanied by # $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1; # $Data::Dumper::Useqq='utf8'; sub _qquote_redefinition_by_Corion { local($_) = shift; s/([\\\"\@\$])/\\$1/g; return qq("$_") unless /[[:^print:]]/; # fast exit if only printables # Here, there is at least one non-printable to output. First, translate the # escapes. s/([\a\b\t\n\f\r\e])/$Data::Dumper::esc{$1}/g; # no need for 3 digits in escape for octals not followed by a digit. s/($Data::Dumper::low_controls)(?!\d)/'\\'.sprintf('%o',ord($1))/eg; # But otherwise use 3 digits s/($Data::Dumper::low_controls)/'\\'.sprintf('%03o',ord($1))/eg; # all but last branch below not supported --BEHAVIOR SUBJECT TO CHANGE-- my $high = shift || ""; if ($high eq "iso8859") { # Doesn't escape the Latin1 printables if ($Data::Dumper::IS_ASCII) { s/([\200-\240])/'\\'.sprintf('%o',ord($1))/eg; } elsif ($] ge 5.007_003) { my $high_control = utf8::unicode_to_native(0x9F); s/$high_control/sprintf('\\%o',ord($1))/eg; } } elsif ($high eq "utf8") { # Some discussion of what to do here is in # # use utf8; # $str =~ s/([^\040-\176])/sprintf "\\x{%04x}", ord($1)/ge; } elsif ($high eq "8bit") { # leave it as it is } else { s/([[:^ascii:]])/'\\'.sprintf('%03o',ord($1))/eg; #s/([^\040-\176])/sprintf "\\x{%04x}", ord($1)/ge; } return qq("$_"); } =head1 NAME Data::Roundtrip - convert between Perl data structures, YAML and JSON with unicode support (I believe ...) =head1 VERSION Version 0.01 =cut our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 SYNOPSIS Quick summary of what the module does. Perhaps a little code snippet. use Data::Roundtrip; my $foo = Data::Roundtrip->new(); ... =head1 EXPORT perl2json json2perl perl2yaml yaml2perl perl2dump dump2perl _read_from_file _write_to_file _read_from_filehandle _write_to_filehandle =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 perl2json($perlvar, $optional_paramshashref) Given an input C<$perlvar> (which can be a simple scalar or a nested data structure, but not an object), it will return the equivalent JSON string. In C<$optional_paramshashref> one can specify whether to escape unicode with C<'escape-unicode'=>1> and/or prettify the returned result with C<'pretty'=>1>. The output can fed to L for getting the Perl variable back. Returns the JSON string on success or C on failure. =head2 json2perl($jsonstring) Given an input C<$jsonstring> as a string, it will return the equivalent Perl data structure using C. Returns the Perl data structure on success or C on failure. =head2 perl2yaml($perlvar, $optional_paramshashref) Given an input C<$perlvar> (which can be a simple scalar or a nested data structure, but not an object), it will return the equivalent YAML string. In C<$optional_paramshashref> one can specify whether to escape unicode with C<'escape-unicode'=>1>. Prettify is not supported yet. The output can fed to L for getting the Perl variable back. Returns the YAML string on success or C on failure. =head2 yaml2perl($yamlstring) Given an input C<$yamlstring> as a string, it will return the equivalent Perl data structure using C Returns the Perl data structure on success or C on failure. =head2 perl2dump($perlvar, $optional_paramshashref) Given an input C<$perlvar> (which can be a simple scalar or a nested data structure, but not an object), it will return the equivalent string (via L). In C<$optional_paramshashref> one can specify whether to NOT escape unicode with C<'dont-bloody-escape-unicode'=>1>, and/or use terse output with C<'terse'=>1> and remove all the incessant indentation C1> which unfortunately goes to the other extreme of producing a space-less output, not fit for human consumption. The output can fed to L for getting the Perl variable back. Returns the string representation of the input perl variable on success or C on failure. =head2 json2perl($jsonstring) Given an input C<$jsonstring> as a string, it will return the equivalent Perl data structure using C. Returns the Perl data structure on success or C on failure. In C<$optional_paramshashref> one can specify whether to escape unicode with C<'escape-unicode'=>1> and/or prettify the returned result with C<'pretty'=>1>. Returns the yaml string on success or C on failure. =head2 json2yaml($jsonstring, $optional_paramshashref) Given an input JSON string C<$jsonstring>, it will return the equivalent YAML string L by first converting JSON to a Perl variable and then converting that variable to YAML using L. All the parameters supported by L are accepted. Returns the YAML string on success or C on failure. =head2 yaml2json($yamlstring, $optional_paramshashref) Given an input YAML string C<$yamlstring>, it will return the equivalent YAML string L by first converting YAML to a Perl variable and then converting that variable to JSON using L. All the parameters supported by L are accepted. Returns the JSON string on success or C on failure. =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Hadjiprocopis, C<< >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Data::Roundtrip You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) L =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * Search CPAN L =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software, EXCEPT the portion created by [Corion] @ Perlmonks, is Copyright (c) 2020 by Andreas Hadjiprocopis. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) =cut 1; # End of Data::Roundtrip