Column type Storage required CHAR(M) M bytes, 1 <= M <= 255 VARCHAR(M) L+1 bytes, where L <= M and 1 <= M <= 255 TINYBLOB, TINYTEXT L+1 bytes, where L < 2^8 BLOB, TEXT L+2 bytes, where L < 2^16 MEDIUMBLOB, MEDIUMTEXT L+3 bytes, where L < 2^24 LONGBLOB, LONGTEXT L+4 bytes, where L < 2^32 ENUM('value1','value2',...)1 or 2 bytes, depending on the number of enumeration values (65535 values maximum) SET('value1','value2',...) 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 bytes, depending on the number of set members (64 members maximum)