#!/usr/bin/perl -w # use warnings; # use strict; use CAM::PDF; use LWP::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use constant { AMOUNT => 0, ADDL_RATE_PER => 0, DISCOUNT_PRICE => 0, }; #### These will be used to load different database tables ##### $companies = 'c:\Users\Kevin\Documents\dev\data_files\gpo_companies.csv'; $bids = 'c:\Users\Kevin\Documents\dev\data_files\gpo_bids.csv'; $awards = 'c:\Users\Kevin\Documents\dev\data_files\gpo_awards.csv'; $solicit = 'c:\Users\Kevin\Documents\dev\data_files\gpo_solicitations.csv'; $log_file = 'c:\Users\Kevin\Documents\dev\data_files\gpo_log.csv'; #### This file will be imported into excel (temp. solution so I won't have to create the db tables now) $all_file = 'c:\Users\Kevin\Documents\dev\data_files\gpo_abstract_data.csv'; open (COMPANY, ">> $companies") or die ("Can't open the output file $!"); open (BID, ">> $bids") or die ("Can't open the output file $!"); open (AWARD, ">> $awards") or die ("Can't open the output file $!"); open (SOLICIT, ">> $solicit") or die ("Can't open the output file $!"); open (LOG, ">> $log_file") or die ("Can't open the output file $!"); open (OUT, ">> $all_file") or die ("Can't open the output file $!"); print OUT "Jacket_ID,Award,Contractor_Code,Company_Name,Amount,Addl_Rate,Addl_Rate_Per,Discount_Percent,Discount_Days,Discount_Price,Bidders_Name,Date_Received,Phone_Number\n"; my @ns_headers = ( 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win98; U)', 'Accept' => 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*', 'Accept-Charset' => 'iso-8859-1,*,utf-8', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US', ); my $jacket_id = 777390; # Get the most recent data first while ($jacket_id > 700000){ sleep (2); $jacket_id --; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(5); # Is the site available? print $jacket_id . "\n"; my $response = $ua->get('https://contractorconnection.gpo.gov/abstract/'. $jacket_id , @ns_headers); if ( $response =~ /Abstract Unavailable/){ print LOG $jacket_id . ",Unavailable\n"; next; } my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new($response->content) || print LOG $jacket_id . ",ERROR,\n". next; my $re = qr{(?x: \A \s*? ((?:A|)) # Awd - 0 \s+ (\d+-\d+) # Contractor Code - 1 \s+ ([^\$]+?) # Name - 2 \s+ (\$\s[0-9,.]+) # Amount - 3 \s+ ### (\$\s[0-9,.]+\s[A-Z]) # Add'l Rate/PER - 4 (\$\s[0-9,.]+) # Add'l Rate - 4 \s+ ([^\$]+?) # Add'l Rate's Per - 5 \s+ ### ([0-9.]+\s+\d+) # Discount % Days - 6 ([0-9.]+) # Discount % - 6 \s+ (\d+) # Discount Days - 7 \s+ (\$\s[0-9,.]+) # Discount Price - 8 \s+ ([\D]+?) # Bidders Name - 9 \s+ (\S+) # Date Received - 10 \s+ (\(\d+\)\s\d+-\d+) # Phone Number - 11 )}; for my $page_num (1 .. $pdf->numPages) { my $text = $pdf->getPageText($page_num); my @lines; my $wanted_line = 0; for my $line (split /$jacket_id/, $text) { # print $line; next unless $wanted_line++; my @fields = $line =~ $re; $fields[AMOUNT] =~ y/ //d; $fields[ADDL_RATE_PER] =~ s/ //; $fields[DISCOUNT_PRICE] =~ y/ //d; $fields[3] =~ s/\s+//g; # Remove the space between the $ and digit $fields[4] =~ s/\s+//g; # Remove the space between the $ and digit $fields[8] =~ s/\s+//g; # Remove the space between the $ and digit foreach (@fields){ $_ =~ s/\,//; } push @lines, [ $jacket_id, @fields ]; # Contractor Code Company Name Bidders Name Phone Number print COMPANY $fields[1] . ",". $fields[2] . ",". $fields[9] . ",". $fields[11] . "\n"; # Title Quantity Contact Winning_Contractor print SOLICIT $jacket_id . ",,,,". $fields[1] . "\n"; if($fields[0] =~ /A/){ # Contractor Code Date Received print AWARD $jacket_id . ",". $fields[1] . ",". $fields[10] . "\n"; } # Contractor Code Amount Add'l Rate Add'l Rate's Per Discount Days Discount % Discount Price print BID $jacket_id . ",". $fields[1] . ",". $fields[3] . ",". $fields[4] . ",". $fields[5] . ",". $fields[7] . ",". $fields[6] . ",". $fields[8] . "\n"; print OUT $jacket_id . ",". $fields[0] . ",". $fields[1] . ",". $fields[2] . ",". $fields[3] . ",". $fields[4] . ",". $fields[5] . ",". $fields[6] . ",". $fields[7] . ",". $fields[8] . ",". $fields[9] . ",". $fields[10] . ",". $fields[11] . "\n"; # foreach my $field (@fields){ # print $field . ","; # } # print "\n"; } # print Dumper(\@lines); } } # End while ()