use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Path::Tiny qw( path ); use Data::Dump qw(dump dd ddx); use Win32::LongPath; use File::stat; use Fcntl ':mode'; use Benchmark qw(:all); binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; binmode STDERR, ":utf8"; my @dir_skip = ( '$RECYCLE.BIN', 'System Volume Information', 'Config.Msi', 'C:/Users' #, 'C:/AMD', 'C:/hp' ); my $dir_skip = join '|', map { quotemeta } @dir_skip; my $dir_skip_regexp = qr {$dir_skip$}; sub do_dir { my $dir_path = shift; my $sub_ref = shift; # callback my $dir = Win32::LongPath->new; unless ( $dir->opendirL($dir_path) ) { warn "!! unable to open $dir_path ($^E)"; return; } my @dir_name; while ( my $name = $dir->readdirL() ) { if ( $name =~ m{ ^[.]{1,2}$ }x ) { next; } my $path = "$dir_path/$name"; my $stat = lstatL($path); if ( !defined $stat ) { next if $^E =~ /Åtkomst nekad/; warn "!! SKIP $^E <$path>"; next; } if ( $stat->{mode} & S_IFREG ) { # normal file $sub_ref->( $path, $stat ); # call callback } elsif ( $stat->{mode} & S_IFDIR ) { # dir push @dir_name, $name; } else { warn "!! ? $name"; } } return \@dir_name; } { my @to_do; my $max_depth; sub td_to_txt { dump @to_do; } sub td_clear { @to_do = (); $max_depth = 0; } sub td_down { push @to_do, []; my $depth = @to_do; $max_depth = $depth if $depth > $max_depth; } sub max_depth { return $max_depth } sub td_add { my $name = shift; @to_do = [] unless (@to_do); push @{ $to_do[-1] }, $name; } sub td_add_aref { my $dir_aref = shift; push @{ $to_do[-1] }, @$dir_aref; } sub td_path_next { return join '/', map { $_->[0] } @to_do; } sub td_remove_dir { my $aref = $to_do[-1]; my $removed = shift @$aref; # remove dir return if @$aref; # more dirs while ( $aref = $to_do[-1] ) { if ( !@$aref ) { $removed = pop @to_do; # remove level next; } $removed = shift @{ $to_do[-1] }; # remove dir return if @$aref; # more dirs } } } sub FS_sweep { my $dir_path = shift; my $sub_ref = shift; td_clear; td_down; td_add($dir_path); my $dir_cnt = 0; my $t0 = Benchmark->new; while ( my $dir_path = td_path_next ) { if ( $dir_path =~ m{$dir_skip_regexp} ) { warn "SKIPING DIR $dir_path"; td_remove_dir; next; } $dir_cnt++; my $dir_name_aref = do_dir( $dir_path, $sub_ref ); my $sub_dir_nof = @$dir_name_aref; if ( $sub_dir_nof > 1000 ) { warn "!! MANY SUBDIR $sub_dir_nof in $dir_path"; } if (@$dir_name_aref) { # subdir td_down; td_add_aref($dir_name_aref); } else { warn '!! ! defined $dir_name_aref' if !defined $dir_name_aref; td_remove_dir; } } my $td = timediff( Benchmark->new, $t0 ); return $dir_path, $dir_cnt, max_depth, $td; } my @output; my $file_cnt = 0; sub file_log { my $file_path = shift; $file_cnt++; warn "!# $file_cnt $file_path\n" if not $file_cnt % 10000; } sub summary { my $dir_path = shift; my $dir_cnt = shift; my $max_depth = shift; my $td = shift; my $node_cnt = $dir_cnt + $file_cnt; my $node_per_second = $td->cpu_p > 0 ? $node_cnt / $td->cpu_p : -1; my $txt = sprintf "\n\n!! FS_sweep summary dir: %s\n #dirs: %d #depth: %d #files: %d #nodes: %d 1/s: %d\n", $dir_path, $dir_cnt, $max_depth, $file_cnt, $node_cnt, $node_per_second; $file_cnt = 0; return $txt; } my $ls_log = 1; # activate listing of files in 'ls_log.txt' my $log_fh; $log_fh = path('ls_log.txt')->openw_utf8 if $ls_log; sub FS_file_big { my $file_path = shift; my $stat_hash_ref = shift; file_log($file_path); say {$log_fh} $file_path if $ls_log; my $size = $stat_hash_ref->{size}; push @output, "BIG $file_path size: $size\n" if $size > 100000000; } sub output { if (@output) { say "Output:"; say map { "$_\n" } grep { defined } @output[ 0 .. 100, 1000 .. 1010, 2000 .. 2010 ]; say "END Output\n"; @output = (); } STDOUT->flush; } say summary( FS_sweep( 'C:/Windows', \&FS_file_big ) ); output; say summary( FS_sweep( 'C:', \&FS_file_big ) ); output; foreach my $dev (qw{ }) { # add C D ... warn "!! START $dev: =======================================\n"; say summary( FS_sweep( "$dev:", \&FS_file_big ) ); output; }