ifeq "{xxx}" "xxx" MAKE_USED = dmake endif ifneq "$(.VARIABLES)" "" MAKE_USED = gnumake endif #if... How can nmake be identified? #MAKE_USED = nmake #endif #### NORL =@# No Output of Recipe Line .PHONY: check_used_make_program check_used_make_program: ifeq "$(MAKE_USED)" "gnumake" $(NORL)$(error ERROR: Using $(MAKE_USED) for a Makefile intended for ?make) endif #### ifeq "$(MAKE_USED)" "dmake" # The message is NOT sent to STDERR $(NORL)echo ERROR: Using $(MAKE_USED) for a Makefile intended for ?make $(assign ERR OR = ERROR) #Generates an error message endif