#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Image::Magick; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::JPEG; #---------------------------------------------- # love me my $displayPercentage = "0%"; my $htmlStyle = "Cascade"; my $scaleValue = ""; my $oldPicDir = ""; my $scaledImage = ""; my $description = ""; my $htmlLocation = ""; my $height = 0; my $width = 0; # two my $count = 0; my %imgHash = (); my %thumbHash = (); my @pictures = (); my $last_image = 0; # times my $newPicDir = "wp-images"; my $htmlFileName = "wp-pictures.html"; my $title = "Perl WebPic 0.3.6 Beta"; my $info = " Click Options to start. "; my $optionStatusInfo = "Enter all the details and press Done to continue."; # Perl/Tk stuff for drawing our window and # for controlling its actions - reprahsent!! # #------------------------------------------------ # Main Window configuration my $mainWindow = MainWindow->new; $mainWindow->title("$title"); # Menu Frame configuration - very top, all the way across my $menuFrame = $mainWindow->Frame(-relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => 2)->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x'); my $helpButton = $menuFrame->Menubutton(-text => ' Help ', -tearoff => '0', -underline => '1', -menuitems => [['command' => "Help", -command => \&help], "-", ['command' => "About", -command => \&about]])->pack(-side => 'right'); my $fileButton = $menuFrame->Menubutton(-text => ' File ', -tearoff => '0', -underline => '1', -menuitems => [['command' => "Exit", -underline => '1', -command => sub { exit; }]])->pack(-side =>'left'); my $optionBUtton = $menuFrame->Button(-text => 'Options', -underline => '0', -relief => 'flat', -command => \&optionWindow)->pack(-side => 'left'); my $runButton = $menuFrame->Button(-text => " Scale ", -underline => '2', -relief => 'flat', -state => 'disabled', -command => \&create_images)->pack(-side => 'left'); # Image Frame - under options, all the way across my $imageFrame = $mainWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, -pady => 8); my $imageFile = $imageFrame->Photo(-format => 'jpeg', -file => "$scaledImage"); my $imageLabel = $imageFrame->Label(-image => $imageFile)->pack(-anchor => 'n', -side => 'top', -fill => 'x', expand => 1); # Status Frame - under all, all the way across my $statusFrame = $mainWindow->Frame(-relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => 2)->pack(-side => 'bottom', -anchor => 's', -fill => 'x'); $statusFrame->Label(-textvariable => \$info)->pack(-side => 'bottom', -anchor => 's'); # Description Frame - above status, all the way across my $descriptionFrame = $mainWindow->Frame(-relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => 2)->pack(-side => 'bottom', -anchor => 's', -fill => 'both'); $descriptionFrame->Label(-text => "Description:")->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'x'); my $entryBox = $descriptionFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$description, -state => 'disabled')->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); my $nextButton = $descriptionFrame->Button(-text => 'Next', -command => \&next_file, -state => 'disabled', -underline => '0')->pack(-side => 'right', -anchor => 'e'); my $previousButton = $descriptionFrame->Button(-text => 'Prev', -command => \&prev_file, -state => 'disabled', -underline => '0')->pack(-side => 'right', -anchor => 'e'); my $finishButton = $descriptionFrame->Button(-text=> 'Write', -command => \&write_html, -state => 'disabled', -underline => '1')->pack(-side => 'right', anchor => 'e'); MainLoop; sub create_images { if (-d $oldPicDir && $scaleValue) { $oldPicDir =~ s/\\/\//g; # wintendo sucks ass $newPicDir =~ s/\\/\//g; # wintendo sucks ass $htmlLocation =~ s/\\/\//g; # wintendo sucks ass @pictures = <$oldPicDir/*.JPG>; $count = 1000; if (-d $newPicDir) { 1; } else { mkdir("$newPicDir", 0777) || die "Oops: ($!)"; } foreach (@pictures) { my $p = new Image::Magick; $p->Read("$_"); $p->Scale("$scaleValue"); $p->Write("$newPicDir/$count.jpg"); $count++; } $last_image = $count -1; $count = 1000; $scaledImage = "$newPicDir/$count.jpg"; $imageFile->configure(-file => $scaledImage); $nextButton->configure(-state => 'active'); $info = "Enter a description for - $scaledImage"; $runButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $entryBox->configure(-state => 'normal'); } else { $info = "Error: can't find directory: $oldPicDir. Double check your location"; $runButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); } } sub next_file { if ($last_image == $count) { $imgHash{$scaledImage} = "$description"; $description = ""; $scaledImage = ""; $imageFile->configure(-file => $scaledImage); $nextButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $info = "Finished processing all images - click Write to create html"; $finishButton->configure(-state => 'active'); } else { $imgHash{$scaledImage} = "$description"; $description = ""; $previousButton->configure(-state => 'active'); $count++; $scaledImage = "$newPicDir/$count.jpg"; $info = "Enter description for: $scaledImage"; $imageFile->configure(-file => $scaledImage); } } sub prev_file { if($count == 1000) { $nextButton->configure(-state => 'active'); $info = "Already at the first file - use 'Next' to cycle through the list"; $previousButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); } else { $description = ""; $previousButton->configure(-state => 'active'); $count--; $scaledImage = "$newPicDir/$count.jpg"; $info = "Enter description for: $scaledImage"; $imageFile->configure(-file => $scaledImage); } } #------------------------------------------------------------ # The write html sub checks $htmlStyle to see which # of the next three html write subs to run sub write_html { if ($htmlStyle eq "Cascade") { htmlStyleCascade(); } elsif ($htmlStyle eq "Thumbnail") { htmlStyleThumbnail($newPicDir); } elsif ($htmlStyle eq "Slideshow") { htmlStyleSlideshow(); } } #------------------------------------------------------------ # HTML style subs start here - cascsade, thumb, slide sub htmlStyleCascade { $finishButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $previousButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); if ($htmlLocation) { open(HTML, "+>$htmlLocation/$htmlFileName") || die "Can't open html file: ($!)\n"; } else { open(HTML, "+>$htmlFileName") || die "Can't write html file: ($!)\n"; } print HTML "Automatically Generated by WebPic\n"; print HTML "\n"; print HTML "
Automatically created with WebPic.

\n"; print HTML ""; print HTML "
\n"; foreach (sort keys %imgHash) { print HTML "

\n"; } print HTML "

Automatically created with WebPic.
\n"; close(HTML); $info = "Completed."; #---------------------------- # clear out all our options $oldPicDir = ""; $displayPercentage = "0%"; $scaleValue = ""; $entryBox->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $htmlStyle = "Cascade"; $newPicDir = ""; $scaledImage = ""; $htmlFileName = ""; $description = ""; $htmlLocation = ""; } sub htmlStyleThumbnail { $finishButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $previousButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); my $popUpHeight = $height + 30; my $popUpWidth = $width +30; if ($htmlLocation) { open(HTML, "+>$htmlLocation/$htmlFileName") || die "Can't open html file: ($!)\n"; } else { open(HTML, "+>$htmlFileName") || die "Can't write html file: ($!)\n"; } my $thumbCount = 1000; foreach (@pictures) { my $thumb = new Image::Magick; $thumb->Read("$_"); $thumb->Scale("10%"); $thumb->Write("$newPicDir/$thumbCount-thumb.jpg"); $thumbHash{"$newPicDir/$thumbCount.jpg"} = "$newPicDir/$thumbCount-thumb.jpg"; ($height, $width) = $thumb->Get('height', 'width'); $thumbCount++; } print HTML "Automatically Generated by WebPic\n"; print HTML "\n"; print HTML "Automatically created with WebPic.

\n"; print HTML "\n"; my @imgArray = sort keys %imgHash; while (my @keys = splice(@imgArray, 0, 3)) { print HTML "\n"; my @values = @imgHash{@keys}; foreach (@keys) { print HTML "\n"; } print HTML "\n"; } print HTML "


Automatically created with WebPic.

\n"; print HTML ""; close(HTML); $info = "Completed."; #---------------------------- # clear out all our options $oldPicDir = ""; $displayPercentage = "0%"; $scaleValue = ""; $entryBox->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $htmlStyle = "Cascade"; $newPicDir = ""; $scaledImage = ""; $htmlFileName = ""; $description = ""; $htmlLocation = ""; } sub htmlStyleSlideshow { $finishButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $previousButton->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $info = "Writing html file...."; open(HTML, "+>$htmlLocation/$htmlFileName") || die "Can't open html file: ($!)\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # end of html style subs #------------------------------------------------------------ # window for all my sexxah options sub optionWindow { my $optionWindow = MainWindow->new; $optionWindow->title("$title"); $optionWindow->geometry("400x330+40+20"); # text label frame for locations my $labelFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x', -pady => 8); $labelFrame->Label(-text => "Image and html Locations", -relief => 'ridge')->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'center', -fill => 'both'); #---------------------------------- # All the entry fields - Old pic dir, new pid dir, html filename, html location # Old pic dir location entry my $oldPicFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x'); $oldPicFrame->Label(-text => " Old Image Location:")->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center'); $oldPicFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$oldPicDir)->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); # New pic dir location entry my $newPicFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x'); $newPicFrame->Label(-text => "New Image Location:")->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center'); $newPicFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$newPicDir)->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); # HTML File name entry my $htmlNameFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x'); $htmlNameFrame->Label(-text => " Name of html file:")->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center'); $htmlNameFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$htmlFileName)->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); # HTML File locaion entry my $htmlLocationFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x'); $htmlLocationFrame->Label(-text => " dir for html:")->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center'); $htmlLocationFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$htmlLocation)->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); # text label frame for other options my $optionsFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x', -pady => 8); $optionsFrame->Label(-text => "Scale and html values", -relief => 'ridge')->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'center', -fill => 'both'); #------------------------------------- # All the buttons - Scale, html style, html colors # Scale optionmenu my $buttonFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x'); $buttonFrame->Label(-text => "Scale:")->pack(-side => "left", -anchor => 'center'); my $scaleButton = $buttonFrame->Optionmenu(-textvariable => \$displayPercentage, -variable => \$scaleValue, -options => [ "0%", "10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%", "60%", "70%", "80%", "90%" ])->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center'); # htmlStyle radio buttons my $htmlStyleFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x'); $htmlStyleFrame->Label(-text => "HTML Style type:",)->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'center'); my $cascStyleButton = $htmlStyleFrame->Radiobutton(-text => "Cascade", -value => "Cascade", -variable => \$htmlStyle)->pack(-side => 'left', anchor => 'center', -fill => 'both'); my $thumbStyleButton = $htmlStyleFrame->Radiobutton(-text => "Thumbnail", -value => "Thumbnail", -variable => \$htmlStyle)->pack(-side => 'left', anchor => 'center', -fill => 'both'); #------------------------------------- # These are always at the bottom # Info Frame my $optionStatusFrame = $optionWindow->Frame(-relief => 'ridge', -borderwidth => 2)->pack(-side => 'bottom', anchor => 's', -fill => 'x'); my $optionDoneLabel = $optionStatusFrame->Label(-textvariable => \$optionStatusInfo)->pack(-side => 'bottom', -anchor => 's'); # Done button frame... my $doneFrame = $optionWindow->Frame->pack(-side => 'bottom', anchor => 's', -fill => 'x'); my $doneButton = $doneFrame->Button(-text => 'Done', -command => sub { if ($scaleValue && $oldPicDir) { $info = "Now hit the Scale button to scale images"; $runButton->configure(-state => 'active'); $optionWindow->destroy(); } else { $optionStatusInfo = "Please make sure you have entered all options"; } }, -underline => '0')->pack(-side => 'left'); my $clearButton = $doneFrame->Button(-text => "Clear", -command => sub { $oldPicDir = ""; $newPicDir = ""; $htmlFileName = ""; $htmlLocation = ""; $scaleValue = ""; $htmlStyle = ""; $optionStatusInfo = "All options cleared"; $displayPercentage = "0%"; })->pack(-side => 'left'); my $defaultsButton = $doneFrame->Button(-text => "Defaults", -command => sub { $oldPicDir = ""; $newPicDir = "wp-images"; $htmlFileName = "wp-pictures.html"; $htmlLocation = ""; $scaleValue = ""; $htmlStyle = "Cascade"; $optionStatusInfo = "Options reset to defaults."; $displayPercentage = "0%"; })->pack(-side => 'left'); my $cancelButton = $doneFrame->Button(-text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $optionWindow->destroy(); })->pack(-side => 'left'); } sub help { my $helpFile = "readme.txt"; my $helpWindow = MainWindow->new; my $t = $helpWindow->Scrolled("Text")->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', fill => 'both', expand => 1); open(FH, "$helpFile") || die "Can't find filename $helpFile: ($!)\n"; while () { $t->insert("end", "$_"); } MainLoop; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # code re-use from xjar's server status aboot window sub about { my $aboutWindow = MainWindow->new; $aboutWindow->title("About WebPic"); # Make a frame to display a little question mark logo my $logoFrame = $aboutWindow->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left'); my $logoLabel = $logoFrame->Label(-bitmap => 'question')->pack(-side => 'top', padx => 10, pady => 10); # And now make a frame for the About info... my $aboutFrame = $aboutWindow->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left', padx => 15, pady => 10); my $aboutLabel = $aboutFrame->Label(-text => "$title\n\nWritten by David Wakeman\ndjw\@gibfest.org\nhttp://www.gibfest.org/work/webpic/\n", -justify => 'left')->pack(-side => 'top'); # Done button frame... my $doneFrame = $aboutWindow->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom', anchor => 's', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); my $doneButton = $doneFrame->Button(-text => 'Done', -command => sub { $aboutWindow->destroy(); }, -underline => '0')->pack(-side => 'bottom', -anchor => 's'); }