my $data = "this is a line of code this is where I wax poetic about my code this is another example of code"; if ($data =~ /(.*)<\/tag>/s) { print "I found =>$1<=\n"; } #### I found =>this is a line of code this is where I wax poetic about my code this is another example of code<= #### if ($data =~ /(.*?)<\/tag>/s) { print "I found =>$1<=\n"; } #### my $line = "Name: Some Soldier, Rank: Leftenant, Serial: 426879824, Boots: black"; #### $line =~ /^\w*: \w*\s*\w*, \w*: \w*, \w+: (\d)*, \w*: \w*$/; #### $line =~ /[Ss]erial: (\d{9})/; #### $line =~ /(.*?)/; #### $line =~ m!(.*?)!; #### my $line = "*f."; $line =~ /([^.*]{2})/; #### my $input = "foo bar baz"; $input =~ s/(\w+)/uc($1)/ge; #### $intput =~ s/([A-Za-z]+)/uc($1)/ge;