#!/usr/bin/perl -w # cdmirror.pl # Mirror a directory structure to a CD-RW, Zip disk, floppy, or other # removable media device. Written for Win32. # Uses Windows calls to determine free space on disk. # Checks for either a minimum amount free or a maximum backup size. # Can also backup to a directory. # Logs to a logfile. # For both includes and excludes specs, wildcards (including in directory # names) are OK, as are spaces. Don't use quotes, though. # # By Ned Konz, perl@bike-nomad.com # Version 1.1 # CHANGES # 1.1: added wildcards # # Requires Win32::DriveInfo by Mike Blazer. # # Program argument[s] are the names of config files. # You may use as many config files as you wish. # Config file format is lines of text with single character # flags at the beginning of the line. Order is unimportant. # You may have comment lines that start with '#' signs. # Meaning of config file lines: # # i include (wildcards OK) # x exclude (wildcards OK) # r <"del"|"keep"|"move"> whether to delete, keep, or move to separate # directory files that were deleted # c disk set name # s specify maximum size of backup set. If given # as a percentage, means this many percent # free must be left on the backup device. # Defaults to size in M; you can give K # or B instead for Kbytes or bytes. # d specify the directory to back up to # or volume (like d:) # l name of logfile (default=stderr) # to log to stdout, use - use strict; use File::Find; use File::Spec; use File::Copy; use File::DosGlob 'glob'; use File::Path; use Win32; use Win32::DriveInfo; # Read config file die "must supply readable config file as only command line argument\n" if (@ARGV != 1 or ! -r $ARGV[0]); my @includes; my @excludes; my $deleteMode = 'keep'; my $setName = 'Backup Set'; my $minimumPercentFree = 0; my $maximumSize = 0; my $destination; my $volume; my $directory; my $logName; sub readConfig { # TODO should this be in decimal instead? # What's the standard with Windows? my %sizeMultiplier = ( 'g' => 1024*1024*1024, 'm' => 1024*1024, 'k' => 1024, 'b' => 1, '%' => 0.01 ); while (<>) { chomp; next if m{^\s*#}; m{^\s*([ixlrcsd])\s+(.*)\s*$}i or die "bad command line format at line $. : $_\n"; my $key = lc($1); my $value = $2; $value =~ tr#\\#/#; # because that's what File::Find uses if ($key eq 'i') { $value = "\"$value\"" if $value =~ / /; push(@includes, map { canonpath($_) } glob($value)); next } if ($key eq 'x') { $value = "\"$value\"" if $value =~ / /; push(@excludes, map { canonpath($_) } glob($value)); next } if ($key eq 'l') { $logName = $value; next } if ($key eq 'r') { $deleteMode = $value; die "Bad r option $value\n" if ($value !~ /^(del|keep|move)$/); next } if ($key eq 'c') { $setName = $value; next } if ($key eq 's') { $value =~ m{^(\d+)\s*([gmkb%]?)}i or die "Bad s (size) option $value\n"; my $size = $1 * $sizeMultiplier{ lc($2||'m') }; if ($2 eq '%') { $minimumPercentFree = $size; } else { $maximumSize = $size; } next } if ($key eq 'd') { $destination = $value; next } die "Can't happen: bad key $key\n"; } ($volume, $directory, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath($destination, 1); $directory = '/' unless $directory; } sub displayConfig { print STDERR "includes = ", join(', ', @includes), "\n"; print STDERR "excludes = ", join(', ', @excludes), "\n"; print STDERR "deleteMode = $deleteMode\n"; print STDERR "setName = $setName\n"; print STDERR "minimumPercentFree = $minimumPercentFree\n" if $minimumPercentFree > 0; print STDERR "maximumSize = $maximumSize\n" if $maximumSize > 0; print STDERR "destination = $destination\n"; print STDERR "backup volume: $volume directory: $directory\n"; } # Get free space # returns (undef, undef) if no media in drive sub getFreeSpace { # $SectorsPerCluster, $BytesPerSector, $NumberOfFreeClusters, # $TotalNumberOfClusters, 4=$FreeBytesAvailableToCaller, # 5=$TotalNumberOfBytes, $TotalNumberOfFreeBytes my @retval = Win32::DriveInfo::DriveSpace($volume); # TODO: how to fix this magic number? It's not in Errno.pm die "Can't get free space in $volume: ($^E)\n" if (!defined($retval[4]) and ($^E != 15)); return @retval[ 5, 4 ]; } # Note that File::Find uses '/' separators # Note also that includes or excludes could be files or dirs sub scanDirectories { my $includes = shift; my $excludes = shift; my $relative = shift || 0; my %sizes; my %dirs; foreach my $topdir (@$includes) { my $isAFile = -f $topdir; my ($volume, $dir, $fn) = File::Spec->splitpath($topdir, !$isAFile); if ($isAFile) { my @stat = stat _; $sizes{ "$dir$fn" } = [ @stat[7,9], $volume ]; $dir =~ s#[\\/]$##; $dirs{ $dir }++; next; } my $volumeLength = length($volume); my $dirLength = length(catpath($volume, $dir, '')); File::Find::find( sub { my @stat = stat($File::Find::name); foreach my $exc (@$excludes) { # ignore case on this comparison. if (lc($exc) eq lc($File::Find::name)) { $File::Find::prune = -d _; return; } } my $relativeDir = substr($File::Find::name, $relative ? $dirLength : $volumeLength); if (! -f _) { $dirs{ $relativeDir }++; return; } # save size and mtime $sizes{ $relativeDir } = [ @stat[7,9], $volume ]; }, $topdir ); } my @dirnames = sort(keys(%dirs)); return (\%sizes, \@dirnames); } # Add commas to a number every three spaces. sub comma { my $num = shift; 1 while $num =~ s/^(-?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/; return $num; } # return with forward slashes sub canonpath { my $path = File::Spec->canonpath(shift); $path =~ tr#\\#/#; return $path; } # return with forward slashes sub catpath { canonpath(File::Spec->catpath(@_)); } # Main program. $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print STDERR "@_"; print STDERR "==== DIED ", scalar(localtime(time)), "\n"; exit(2); }; readConfig(); if (defined($logName)) { print "logging to $logName\n"; open(STDERR, ">>$logName") or die "can't open $logName: $^E\n"; } # This is all to catch the output from mkpath, which logs to stdout select(STDERR); $|++; open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR"); select(STDOUT); $|++; print STDERR "==== START ", scalar(localtime(time)), "\n"; displayConfig(); # Try to get the backup disk inserted. my ($totalBytes, $freeBytes); while (!defined($totalBytes)) { ($totalBytes, $freeBytes) = getFreeSpace(); if (!defined($totalBytes)) { my $msg = <{$destName}); my $fullName = catpath($volume, $directory, $destName); if ($deleteMode eq 'keep') { print STDERR "Keeping deleted file $fullName\n"; } elsif ($deleteMode eq 'del') { print STDERR "Removing deleted file $fullName\n"; unlink( $fullName ) or warn "Can't remove $fullName: $^E\n"; } elsif ($deleteMode eq 'move') { my $dest = canonpath("$destDeletedDirectory/$destName"); my ($v, $d, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath($dest); mkpath([ "$v$d" ], 1); print STDERR "Moving deleted file $fullName to $dest\n"; rename( $fullName, $dest ) or warn "Can't move $fullName to $dest: $^E\n"; } } ($totalBytes, $freeBytes) = getFreeSpace(); my $usedBytes = $totalBytes - $freeBytes; my $minimumFree = ($minimumPercentFree > 0) ? int($totalBytes * $minimumPercentFree) : 0; print STDERR "Total bytes on $volume: ", comma($totalBytes), "\n"; print STDERR "Free bytes: ", comma($freeBytes), ", used bytes: ", comma($usedBytes), "\n"; print STDERR "Maximum backup size: ", comma($maximumSize), "\n" if ($maximumSize > 0); print STDERR "Minimum amount free: ", comma($minimumFree), "\n" if ($minimumFree > 0); # Check against $minimumFree and $maximumSize foreach my $srcName (sort(keys(%$sourceFiles))) { my $srcData = $sourceFiles->{ $srcName }; my $destData = $destFiles->{$srcName} || [0, 0, $volume]; next if $destData->[0] == $srcData->[0] # size && $destData->[1] == $srcData->[1]; # modtime # how much bigger will it make the backup? my $delta = $srcData->[0] - $destData->[0]; $freeBytes -= $delta; $usedBytes += $delta; } if ($freeBytes < 0) { my $overrun = -$freeBytes; die "Backup needs at least $overrun more bytes than remains on $volume\n"; } if ($freeBytes < $minimumFree) { my $overrun = $minimumFree - $freeBytes; die "Backup would leave too few bytes on $volume (by $overrun)\n"; } if ($maximumSize > 0 && $usedBytes > $maximumSize) { die "Backup would require at least $usedBytes on $volume, but you asked for a maximum of $maximumSize"; } my $bytesCopied = 0; # Copy changed or new files, in name order foreach my $srcName (sort(keys(%$sourceFiles))) { my $srcData = $sourceFiles->{ $srcName }; my $destData = $destFiles->{$srcName} || [0, 0, $volume]; my $src = $srcData->[2] . $srcName; my $dest = catpath($volume, $directory, $srcName); next if $destData->[0] == $srcData->[0] # size && $destData->[1] == $srcData->[1]; # modtime print STDERR $src, " => ", $dest, " ", $srcData->[0], "\n"; copy($src, $dest) or warn "Copy $srcName failed: $^E\n"; $bytesCopied += $srcData->[0]; } my $endTime = time(); printf STDERR "copied %s bytes in %d seconds (%s per second)\n", comma($bytesCopied), $endTime-$startTime, comma(int($bytesCopied/($endTime-$startTime))) if ($endTime>$startTime); print STDERR "==== END ", scalar(localtime($endTime)), "\n"; # vim:tw=76 ts=4 sw=4 #### # Sample config file for cdmirror.pl # Name of backup set c DiskSet # Include i c:\windows\temp # Exclude x c:\windows\temp\Wcescomm.log x c:\windows\temp\xx # handling of deleted files (del|keep|move) r del # size (in this case, 5% minimum free) s 5% # destination disk d e: # Logfile (- means stdout) l -